Wow, where did the time go? TWENTY TWENTY SURE WENT BY FAST! Right!?

We did plan to get this update out sooner, but we fell into the trap of "let's just add this one last thing." Before we knew it, Kevin and Pedro had completely redesigned the Droo Space Center with a new raised launch pad, sixteen hangars, new runways, taxiways, a VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING, dock, and a bunch of other new stuff. Planet Studio has been retooled to allow building up structures using a hierarchy of sub-structures so now you can customize and build your own bases on your planets. It's completely changed the feel of the game. I no longer have a compelling desire to blast off and leave Droo. Now I kinda want to hang out close to the ground and check out all of the nooks and crannies, of which there are plenty now.

Pedro has been insanely busy in Planet Studio working on new planets. He's completely redesigned the existing five planets and then added two additional planets, eleven new moons, and a controversially named comet. Pedro has an extraordinary eye for detail and the new planets really show it. They are packed full of details and it will breathe new life into your explorations.

Here's a before/after comparison of the original five stock planets. Click here for a bigger version.

The two new planets, Vulco and Sergeaa. Vulco is a tidally locked ball of very dark rock completely melted in the face pointing at Juno. The danger of the hot lava and its pitch black dark side makes this planet a very mysterious place to explore.

The second planet, Sergeaa, has a very rough surface that goes from huge volcanoes to gigantic lava lakes. It's covered in very dense green clouds, with an atmosphere so dense that traveling accross its surface won't be a trivial task.

Our tilted gas giant isn't alone anymore in his journey through space:

Jastrus is a small ice moon sitting inside the last gap in Urados' rings.

Boreas is a much bigger ice moon covered in craters and very long cracks that run from pole to pole.

Taurus is a rocky moon with a very thick atmosphere. Its rough surface is home to some really large methane lakes.

Hypatchion is a very old ice and rock moon, and although the looks may point at it, it's not pumice, it's just covered in thousands of craters.

Tydos won't be lonely any more! The new Juno System has 3 moons orbiting the ringless gas giant.

Nebra is a rocky planet with active volcanoes completely flooded, with a thick pink atmosphere making some gorgeous sunsets.

Higher than Nebra, Miros is a big boulder with one half frosted. A ridge hugs this moon all around its equator.

The outer edge of this system is home to the wackiest moon of all, Orcus, an ice moon with blue and orange dust covering planet-sized ravines and pink cracked ice poles.

Check out the SRC Discord server and you can find more sneak peeks under the #updates channel. Or, just grab the new beta and see them firsthand.

The full release notes are here.


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    Dev Pedro

    Please check the roadmap to see all the known issues already fixed or that are being fixed right now before reporting them. Also here you can find all the reported bugs, if you've experienced them, feel free to upvote instead of re-reporting.

    Pinned 4.1 years ago
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    The beta is currently available on the Steam beta branch. The iOS version is approved and ready for testing. If you don't have access to the iOS beta, here's an invite link.
    The Android beta will start in a day or two (edit it is now rolling out, and should be available as soon as GooglePlay pushes it out to devices).

    Known Issues:

    • All challenges still need to be updated to work with the new system.
    • Stacked runways. Yes, they are like pancakes. Don't look too close. It's a long story.
    • Lines on taxiways are still missing.
    Pinned 4.1 years ago
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    75 Pl4n3

    Is that an energia on the launchpad on the 3rd image?

    2.0 years ago
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    13.8k Vedhaspace

    One year ago? 🤨
    Where did the time just go?
    It's like very fast as well as slow
    SR2: slow
    My life: very fast

    3.1 years ago
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    14.3k FalconAero

    @CaliskanAerospaceINC he deserves it!

    +1 3.8 years ago
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    Someone give pedro a raise

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @GLaDOSpOrtal22 half a month ago

    +5 4.0 years ago
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    @pedro16797 when will this be published for mobile?

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    When will it release

    4.1 years ago
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    415 axolotl10


    4.1 years ago
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    0 ROMIEL

    @DojoGiraffe PC

    4.1 years ago
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    iOS or Android? @ROMIEL

    4.1 years ago
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    Ok. I think it has to do more with how the app is allowed to manage ram usage. It used to do the same thing on the stable release but it just does it more on this one. What is really dumb is that iOS doesn’t have VRAM enabled, so basically you are limited by the ram you have. @pedro16797

    4.1 years ago
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    0 ROMIEL

    @AndrewGarrison why can't I find the beta

    4.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @countGOGO the planet builder suggestion still holds the crown!

    4.1 years ago
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    I like this update alot you and the jundroo team did a good job.

    4.1 years ago
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    515 countGOGO

    Congrats on being the most upvoted post on the SR2 website

    4.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @DojoGiraffe I can't find any report from your account. RAM usage in the old system should be lower after some performance improvements we implemented so please, make sure to report it again so we can take a look at the issue. The stable release will be out in less than 80 days, yes.

    4.1 years ago
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    I have also noticed that ram usage has spiked significantly, so much so that i cant load an astronaut at highest settings on the old Juno map. I have reported this but i just wanted to make sure bc it would really suck if i wasnt able to play this anymore. @pedro16797

    4.1 years ago
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    When the certificate for the beta expires in 80 days will the stable release be out or will i lose all of my files? @pedro16797

    4.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @DojoGiraffe any system that you opened in this update will likely break because of incompatible elements in the XML, I would recommend waiting for this version to go stable

    4.1 years ago
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    @pedro16797 is there a way that i can redownload the stable release without losing all of my data? Btw im on iOS

    4.1 years ago
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    Why in this version we Can't launch from saved location ? Is this only happen to my device or everyone also experience this ?

    4.1 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @Nabeleon polska?

    4.1 years ago
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    Mám aktualizaci, a nic se nestalo

    4.1 years ago
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