Now that the update is in the hands of mobile players and thus most of the community has had a chance to try it out, we've been reading all your feedback and taking it into account, resulting in this update that will hopefully have a more balanced damage model.

If your craft still explodes it may fall into two categories: You didn't let us know you had an issue properly or it was pushing physics too far. For the first scenario, please report your bugs in an environment that reproduces the issue and flying the problematic craft, let us know what is the problem (expectations vs result) and how to fly the craft, we try to keep up with the forums, discord and reddit, but if we don't have a bug report or a link to the craft there's nothing we can do about it.

In the second case, luckily now you have a couple tools to deal with it in the tinker panel, if you think that isn't enough we would consider having an option to entirely disable damage in the settings, like we have now for heat damage, but remember that you already have a Dev command for that (IDDQD).

You can find all that is new in the Release Notes.


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    Dev Pedro

    Join the iOS beta here and the Google Play beta here. Join the Steam beta by right-clicking SimpleRockets 2 in the Steam client -> Properties -> Betas -> and then select "beta - Public Testing" from the dropdown.
    Mobile updates will be rolling out in the coming days as they are reviewed by the respective app stores.

    Pinned 2.6 years ago
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    @Pedro When will they integrate more languages ​​into the game like Spanish in addition to the default

    1.7 years ago
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    Excuse me, but the heat damage option in the menu seems to be absent in the iOS version. Is there any way around this?

    1.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @XAS yes, you should see a button in the designer menu, you can find it right under save craft

    2.4 years ago
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    450 Lordofwar

    It something they are considering@Kyru211

    2.6 years ago
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    Excuse me Wen update!

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    4,392 PZLAgencies

    @048gamer48 I can’t too

    2.6 years ago
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    Do You Know When The Mobile Update Will Come Because I Can’t Use TestFlight

    2.6 years ago
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    15 Kyru211

    @Pedro when will you add carrer mode to the game

    2.6 years ago
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    So what your saying is that its almost out on mobile devices but TestFlight is a early access?

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    4,392 PZLAgencies

    it never updates on ipad

    2.6 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @aesnwo you haven't reported any bug, check your internet connection

    2.6 years ago
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    600 aesnwo

    my crafts are breaking up mid flight for no reason, for example wings will disconnect without warning even if the aircraft isn’t being pushed to its max. Fuel tanks will arbitrarily explode. I assume these are bugs or glitches so I’ve reported a few of them

    +3 2.6 years ago
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    @pedro please fix mods i really want to play on this new version but the mods no longer work with the new code

    2.6 years ago
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    @Pedro They can add pipes or something similar and vacuum engines to make the game more realistic. 🙏🏼

    +2 2.6 years ago
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    @Drainflash click “here” that shows up blue

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Weare's the link?

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @Pedro Maybe we can add clouds and sunlight scattering. For example, the clouds in the space engine, such as those in the Kampala space program, I think we can add some modules to the mobile phone

    +2 2.6 years ago
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    @Pedro didnt realize it was already reported I dint see it, but thanks for replying with swiftness

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @DrooMulticompany @Thunderstorm5796 that was a bug, already reported, already implemented, fix coming with 915

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @Pedro the droos are way to weak, I had one up and about, and I hit the slightest of all the bumps on droo, and he explodes, i get that you wanted them a little weaker and I understand, I dont want to see a droo being able to survive reentry and land like nothing is wrong, but the droos are definitely too weak, I am pretty sure the community would be happier and the droos to would be happy as well if you change this

    2.6 years ago
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    6,743 DMCcorp

    droods die after jumping (droo, no damage before)
    bro this is ridiculous pedro

    2.6 years ago
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    1,467 RikHar

    @Pedro will do that tonight. thank you.

    2.6 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @RikHar can you please report a bug about it?

    2.6 years ago
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    1,467 RikHar

    The latest update seems to have broken my cameras that were set on activation groups. Weird.

    2.6 years ago
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