We just rolled a smallish update out to the beta branch on Steam to squash some pesky bugs created by the huge 0.9.92x updates.
- Show list of crew members for selected craft in the in Active Crafts list.
- Added support for setting the lock direction through vizzy on crafts that are loaded but not under the player's control
- Substantially increased the strength of the night vision camera effect
- Fixed a bug where the cargo bay doors would not open correctly on start if their disabled rotation was set via XML.
- Fixed a bug where stationary, non-player crafts could fall through the surface of Brigo when approached by the player's craft.
- Update state of astronauts to deceased when their craft is removed from the Active Crafts list.
- Fixed a bug where the craft could experience orbit glitches when using a cargo bay with no base.
- Updated the new rocket craft to no longer have legacy parachutes and have its Drood unassigned
- Corrected a typo in the price calculation of the RTG, setting them to more realistic but still cheaper than real costs
- Fixed an issue causing generators and RTGs to generate 1000 times as much power as they should
- Fixed an error in the initialization of the slider text for the slant
- Fixed a bug where the command disc gyro would not correctly initialize its gyro power and utilization on startup.
- Improved error message when validating command disc without a battery fuel source.
- Fixed bug with not being able to launch a craft in Planet Studio.
@hewenbou 快了
69 upvotes, nice
The Legacy chute was perfectly usable other than the velocity glitch. Chutes are crap, they snap even under 100 mps even if snap is disabled.
All of these is just how you play the game, the undo times can be reduced by getting a better device, and the issue with selecting the right node is solved by the part connection tool @Lkninml
Love to have
Select multi parts to move. Draw box grab all.
Yes No duplicate parts on mobile. Tired of moving a section of say 500 parts and they attatch to a node off screen which dups the 500 parts by 6. Wait a few mins then hit undo and wait longer or the game ctashes.
SIGNIFICANTLY shorter undo times.
Test parts in builder instead of lanch. Things don't work go back to builder. Rinse repeat...
Node select. Click one node then another. Parts move to node. Tired of playing NO NODE THAT NODE! THIS ONE.
@SteKelBry yeah.
@PianoZystersAerospace Neither can I. Hopefully they fix that.
When is career mode on mobile?
Why when I created the world Spaceships are often invisible. and always floats into space
Hi Dev Can I Ask In The New Update plz
Add shadow on any planet like when the moon block sun which is equal in direction solar eclipse will happen And Earth Block Sun the moon Will change to red color like Lunar Eclipse. You can add on setting of shadow
I cannot change the Drood’s name.
Sort cannot reorder the ascending sequence of two or more digit numbers in the Vizzy list
There NEEDS to be a way to group scale parts, it would be so convenient to just scale a few or an entire craft. The way it would work would be to highlight certain parts and be able to scale them and they would stay together in reference to each other. So as they got smaller they got closer together.
There is a bug with parachutes, when ever a parachute experiences too much stress the craft accelerates to 5000 m/s
i love this game
I'm playing simple planes on an Android phone am I able to use busy on an Android phone or is it only on a computer
Crew compartment and battery compartment should look little bit realistic.
Kerbal Space Program moment