For the last month you may have noticed we have been acting a bit weird. We said we were going to go straight to 1.1 with the propellers and more contracts, but we got a bit sidetracked... Today we can finally talk about it, a collaboration with the European Space Agency!
We have been in talks with ESA to include JUICE in the game. The JUpiter ICy moons Explorer is the first European mission to visit a Gas Giant. It will launch tomorrow, April 13th, from Kourou, French Guiana, on top of an Ariane V, heading towards the moons of Jupiter after an insane chain of Gravity Assist.
To commemorate this launch we have added a new Sandbox Challenge to the game, where you'll be in charge of getting JUICE to visit all moons of Tydos with the least possible Delta-V. In order to better support this mission we have added new properties to the solar panel arrays, such as a new hinge with a custom deployment animation to match the ones in JUICE and the ability to override through the hidden properties how many panels are in each row. Also taking the opportunity to flesh out some issues that the arrays had before.
We have put a lot of focus on improving the Map View experience, with an overhaul of the Planned Burns, Closest Approach calculations, clarity improvements and a ton of bug fixes to ensure a smooth experience when visiting other worlds.
Thanks a lot to ESA for wanting to be a part of Juno: New Origins and bring this amazing mission to the game. All the new features are not just available for the challenge, so you will be able to enjoy the new solar panels and improved Map View in your own careers and sandboxes.
If you want to learn more about JUICE, here are some useful links:
To play the JUICE challenge go to sandbox and in the main menu just hit launch. Then a menu will open with all the challenges and tutorials as per usual, it's the first challenge in the list.

How do you add the videos to the description?
@PZLAerospace report a bug from within the game after a crash
@Pedro I usually play on my ipad but occasionally I use chromebook. It is the ipad that it crashing.
@PZLAerospace are you talking about an iPad or a Chromebook?
@Pedro I have an ipad with 256 gb 3 gb ram that is not enough?
@PZLAerospace I don't see any bug report related to that issue. Report it and I'll check out what's going on, but from the sound of things you are using a device that doesn't meet the minimum requirements.
Ah! But I cleared up my storage and it still crashes. My chromebook lags a lot but never crashed. Nothing works. @Pedro please help me I have nothing to do. I have tried everything.
Looking for more collaborations with space agencies, well done
@Pedro Do you think in the next update you can make rings visible in the map?
@hosain go to App Store or what ever you downloaded the game through, then go to the Juno new origins app through the App Store and then press update
And so, by 17776, JUICE will see the Earth in a very different way.
how i update???!
@Samps0n i never implied i was tryna be funny but ight
@Caat2 omg, man! Your the funniest MF’er I’ve have seen in a bit. I didn’t see that coming! Milk squirting out your nose in 5th grade lunch, funny!! I almost thought you was serious, but then I realized ‘why the hell would KSP and JNO want to advertise the others platform?’ Would be as smart as making droods into LGM (lil green men)! 🤭🤣🙃😁😂
This will be helpful
@Pl4n3 I literally explained it 2 comments below yours. I'll leave it pinned now
Hmm yes JUICY
Sooo... how do I get the launch challenge?
Thanks @Pedro ! That was awesome... I did it with less than 1,400m/s
Ok so I spent over 10 mins trying to find this “sandbox challenge” with no luck... to me it sounded like you have built a JUICE spacecraft (a bit like the satellites in career mode) and we would be tasked with building a rocket to send it to Tydos.
How do I access this JUICE spacecraft in sandbox mode? Or do we have to build it ourselves and make our own challenge in our imagination? I don’t really get it, sorry.
I love the idea of the game providing us with payloads and challenging us to send it to certain places. There could be cost & size restrictions to respect, that would be very challenging and fun! I just don’t enjoy As much if I have to build all the payloads myself and make up my own missions in my mind... that’s why I’ve been enjoying career mode a lot, finally some goals to achieve and progression in the game.
Sandbox contracts!!??
Thats a fantastic idea!!
I still cannot believe that you guys, instead of collaborating with ksp or something collaborated with ESA
Should I drink bruh