It's been a while since we started this beta! We had to deal with some bureaucratic hiccups we weren't expecting but we are finally on the clear :D Now onto what comes with 1.3, which is actually a lot.

As an ice breaker, something that can be often missed: With 1.3 we are bringing some big performance improvements, which will especially benefit large part count crafts. We have seen some cases that now run more than twice as fast! On top of improving performance, we have also done some quality of life improvements that although subtle, can have a great impact on gameplay, like overhauling the Rocket Engine exhaust damage, and the visuals of the exhausts.

New contracts

Performance aside, the main focus of this update is overhauling the Career Mode experience:

  • 15 unique rescue contracts across land, water, space... even on Luna's surface!
  • A whole suite of Space Station contracts, providing you some prebuilt sections to use, while letting you shape the station however you want
  • 6 new payloads to send to orbit and land on Droo's moons and a new payload to send on its journey to the stars
  • Crew Bonuses, which will give you Tech Points if you complete some of the contracts while having crew aboard
  • A rebalance of the contract tree, with adjusted prizes and an improved flow of contracts as you leave Droo's orbit
  • A handful of new parameters to use in custom careers, for those that want to push the challenge further

A lot of the effort to get these contracts done started almost a year ago and we couldn't have done them without the help of a certain elementary particle, who has balanced his studies and an internship to bring to life some really cool crafts and payloads.

Designer tools

In order to embrace proceduralism even more we are pushing things up a notch with a new suite of tools for the designer that will let you change the curvature of the nosecones to whatever shape you want, clamp the fuselages to flatten their sides allowing for really complex shapes and use any symmetry amount.

We have also made it possible to customize the lift and drag curves of the wings to your liking, so you can simulate any wing profile, the internal jet engine properties so you can simulate any jet engine you can imagine, and rocket engine properties to let you define how many ignitions an engine can have.

Holy holes

Depth adds a lot of detail to your builds, but often when wanting to poke a hole the complexity of a craft balloons. An overhaul on the depth masks (the tech used for the landing gears to fake their gap) allows jet engines, rocket engines and RCS to still look hollow even if you push them into other parts. You will also be able to disable the depth mask to finally have transparent landing gear and cockpits.

Wing goodies

Wings are also getting some love, now letting you attach things on their surface, having an option for auto-resize to ease having compound wings and getting smooth shapes, and with new default lift and drag curves based on xfoil simulations done by ourselves to ensure they are more accurate on a wider range of Angles of Attack.

New Crafts

Another great addition in this update is a new set of stock crafts focusing on land, water and air, to bring more diversity and serve as examples on how to build almost any type of vehicle in the game, from walking robots to helicopters without gyros, without using the tinker panel, cheats or complex Vizzy scripts.

We got the help of some of the best builders in the community, and although our standards for the stock crafts were high, they smashed them harder than anyone could have imagined.

  • @ChuckNotChunk has proven how far the blades can go, with some surprisingly simple Vizzy scripts achieving the best Fly by Wire I've seen in the game
  • @ChaoticGraviton thought making the new payloads and rescue crafts wasn't enough of a challenge and decided to make a bushplane with the help of @ExcaliburAerospace
  • @ExcaliburAerospace himself reimagined the SimpleMartian rover and made a really cute submarine
  • @Mostly designed a very peaceful drone
  • @Spenzerointernational brought his top notch skills at making large planes with an impressive cargo plane
  • @NebulaSpaceAgency took care of the cargo on the seas, with an enormous freighter
  • @TN920 pulled of something crazy in record time, a walking sci-fi robot capable of traversing almost any terrain, with some of the smoothest animations ever
  • And last but not least, @Mod decided to remake from scratch is SimpleOffroader and decided to add a Hypersonic Plane and a Rescue Vessel to the mix, now covering rockets, planes, boats and cars. Is there anything he can't build?

If you want to check out all that is new you can do so in the Release Notes.

PS: In case you haven't seen it yet, we have announced a new game!


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  • Profile image
    Dev Pedro

    If you are having issues in the designer and you were using the Lider mod, try getting the latest version from the website, the most likely issue is that you are running an outdated version of the mod.

    Pinned 10 months ago
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    @Pedro Could you link to a tutorial for saving subassemblies and having them show in the engine section?

    6 months ago
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    210 Booster12

    @Pedro make a stock craft named simple 2 stage

    8 months ago
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    Pls build rocket Athena 2 with satellite Lunar Prospector?

    8 months ago
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    @Pedro I am not sure if you're talking to me but no. I don't use any mods. Just stock Juno on my PC/phone

    +1 9 months ago
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    @Pedro Ok I'm still a good bit confused about subassemblies and how fairings work. I'm coming from KSP & Space Flight Simulator. Why can't I assign some stock/downloaded vessels as subassemblies? It would help exploring other planets. Also the mission "Learning to fly" has too many checkpoints I think. Maybe drop it to 3-7? It's a long mission for that early in the game. This game is frankly amazing.

    Edit: Also it would be sweet to have a docking tutorial. I've tried finding tutorials for docking, but they're few & far between.

    +1 9 months ago
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    Would you add a "HOLE" feature added to the parts so we can make something like a window for them who wants to make crafts with interior design?
    and I'm currently working on a space capsule with interior right now and i'm struggling on how to add a window..

    +1 9 months ago
  • Profile image
    486 RichGWall

    The engine exhaust visuals have been restored. :-)

    Thanks much to the development team.

    +1 9 months ago
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    210 Booster12


    9 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @SomberlySober you can save subassemblies, even make them show in the engines caregory without mods, and you can make custom careers in custom systems without mods

    +4 9 months ago
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    A cool idea for a future update is letting users save presets for engines/tanks that have been customized. Since the whole thing is procedural it kinda makes sense. Also more default engine types would be really sweet. You're THIS CLOSE to kerbal as far as default parts go. Maybe have a way to generate your own tech points similar to how KSPs research mode was. Where you can use certain objects/presets to generate science while you're exploring the solar system.

    Another neat feature would be letting custom worlds have their own milestones/achivements. It would add a lot of depth for the creators who want to show certain points of interest.

    9 months ago
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    62 jyap8

    @Pedro thanks

    9 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @jyap8 you report them from the game

    +1 9 months ago
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    62 jyap8

    @Pedro is there a dedicated place for bug reports?

    9 months ago
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    165 DE

    I’ve been playing this game for around for years and every update always makes this game so outstanding from dummies to droods and this update makes it even better especially with the way you can now attach things on the wings surface! Keep up the good work!

    9 months ago
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    486 RichGWall

    @Pedro Can't ask for more than that. Thanks Pedro.

    9 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @RichGWall that is due to a new property that has been added, there's a patch coming out soon that better handles how legacy modified engines work

    +2 9 months ago
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    486 RichGWall

    Thanks to the development team for its steadfastness in advancing Juno.

    A Question....

    Is there a way to modify the visuals of the rocket engine's exhaust?

    ChaoticGraviton's Ember mod seems to be incompatible with this release.

    I did look at the hidden properties/RocketEngine tab where I can see the variables listed that can be edited, but the range of inputs are unknown to me.

    I know this can be done in update 1.2 but now when I launch everything is normal until I reach around 4-5 km altitude and the exhaust is an overwhelming bright white that even overshadows the ship itself.

    9 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @jyap8 when I playtested I could do it with patience but I see how that can be extremely frustrating, next patch will remove TT from the contract so that one is just in Luna and Brigo

    9 months ago
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    62 jyap8

    I just cancelled the contract and went back to lunar rovers instead

    9 months ago
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    62 jyap8

    @Pedro sorry for my frustration I spent an hour quickloading back to my rovers landing. I was using a mobile joystick. Every time I tried to climb an incline to get to the intended sample zone the rover would flip over.

    9 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @jyap8 how are you controlling the rover? Mobile joystick, mouse as joystick or keyboard?

    9 months ago
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    62 jyap8

    Did anyone bother playtesting “land rover on tt”. The rover wont even move without flipping itself over on flat ground (which there is none of on that moon)

    9 months ago
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    9 months ago
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    @Pedro Thank you very much for the info, looking forward to the .113 update 👍

    9 months ago
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