We just released version on Steam and it includes a few new toys and ton of bug fixes. Here's the new features:
- Added Electric Motor. I'm honestly shocked by how fun it is. You can tweak its RPM, torque, and input settings. The first thing I did was build a quadcopter by connecting wing sections to it.
- Added Flight View Inspector so now you can see a lot more data about your craft in flight, including the highly requested in-flight TWR.
- Added new Landing Gear style for wheels
- Added CTRL+RightClick to clone a group of parts. We should have added this a long time ago! It's so handy!
- Added keyboard shortcuts for switching to nearby command pods / crafts (defaults to '[' and ']')
- Improved parachute model and textures and reduced cord size.
- Improved performance of switching to nearby craft
- The game is no longer minimized when losing focus. If you don't want the game to pause when losing focus, be sure to enable 'Run in Background' in the game settings.
- Engines now start even if they're in the same stage as an interstage. Now you can launch your missiles.
- Allow batteries to work with fuel transfer during flight.
- Nav sphere now ignores middle mouse button and right mouse button
- In the designer, a single part can now be separated from a cluster/group with CTRL+LeftClick and drag. Note: This means that CTRL+LeftClick no longer prevents part interaction. You can do that with middle-mouse button click now.
- Changed middle mouse button to allow rotating view in the designer without interacting with parts.
- Big improvements to performance and encounter prediction. Should be much easier to get encounters now and this will be especially noticeable with Cylero.
- Closest encounter icons turn green when capture is predicted.
You can read about the rest of the enhancements and bug fixes on the Release Post here. Also, don't forget to check out the Roadmap and vote on what you want to see next! The Electric Motor and Flight Data were both player-submitted ideas!
@Adam12 lol
@Thememernamerstevener Download other peoples crafts and take them apart and then try and replicate how they made it you can also look at real life blueprints and pictures for inspiration really the best teacher in these games is practice.
Funny how I can recognize so easily SP players here :)
Is there a way to log the flight data to a CSV or HDF5 file?
I need an answer to my question
In simpleplanes, we made rockets.
In this game, we'll make planes.
See the pattern?
Will SimplePlanes ever get sonic boom in future
@tsampoy didn't even notice 😂
@xXAceModzXx But, ok
That rhymed
@tsampoy keep on trying but take it slowly read every discription of the parts and you will master the art.
@xXAceModzXx I don’t know how to make a working propeller.
I tried. I failed.
@tsampoy you have more possiblities this these then stock already made ones.
Super! Now, I can make a gyroscope. Bad gyroscope. But if set not too much torque...
@Chancey21 lol also you can build space vehicles in SP by screwTheGravity tag
Psst, Andrew, If you upvote my stuff, then I'll upvote your stuff.
@TurboSnail you're joking right? :D by the way i like your turbocharged snail
But why not just add the plain plane propellers.
@Chancey21 It is technically the third law
@Chancey21 you can try to make coaxial engine for your plane, but having the ability of adjusting that power would be nice addition I think.
@Chancey21 lol I approve of that command.