The command pod from SimpleRockets 1 has undergone some changes. Adding the third dimension was a big upgrade. We also added some new features, such as a built-in gyroscope and batteries. We've done what we can to get the mass down, but it is still a whopping 1,250kg. We may add the ability to toggle certain features off to reduce the overall mass for those of you who really want to maximize your delta-V's. Philip suggested that we should add an option to remove the top of the command pod and replace it with a tarp.

The new command pod is not human-rated yet so it can only be used for transporting cargo to and from outer space. But who knows? Maybe someday we will get that certification and be able to transport astronauts into space.

  • Mass: 1,250 kg
  • Price: $500,000
  • Battery Capacity: 25kWh
  • Crew Capacity: 0 (currently)
  • Diameter: 1.5m (4.9 feet)
  • Height: 1.25m (4.1 feet)

Here's a bonus shot.


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    2,959 BeastHunter

    Make the tarp!

    2.4 years ago
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    2,495 Alyx

    Here lies the Old Command Pod

    4.2 years ago
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    14.2k CardZlol

    Rip stock capsule :(

    4.2 years ago
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    4.2 years ago
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    15 Ratakis

    We need weapons like warheads unmanned pods solid fuel rockets etc etc

    6.1 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison,why not add hyperedit

    +2 6.3 years ago
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    some changes huh? darn I always wanted to see the original command pod from simple rockets in 3D

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Sure!

    6.6 years ago
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    "The new command pod is not human-rated yet so it can only be used for transporting cargo to and from outer space. But who knows? Maybe someday we will get that certification and be able to transport astronauts into space." This be a teaser!

    +2 6.6 years ago
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    @Diazein9 ye

    6.7 years ago
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    30 FCOM

    @Kerbaldew yes that’s why in my opinion Kerbal space program is cool

    6.7 years ago
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    @Diazein9 do you mean EVA Like kerbal space program?

    +2 6.7 years ago
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    30 FCOM

    @AndrewGarrison can you make sure when you do decide to add humans in this game can you make them get out of command pods or capsules and do astronaut things like incorrect please flags and planets fix things astronaut type stuff I’d really appreciate it :)

    +2 6.7 years ago
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    100 LBAereo

    omg. it looks very strange - sorry my frankness. I like to help with the design ..

    6.7 years ago
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    ¿Se podrá hacer y manejar satélites sin en el pod?

    6.8 years ago
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    When does it release on steam?

    6.8 years ago
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    Take off from Smars, Martian style XD (with a tarp)

    +2 6.8 years ago
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    @22zxSnakeEyes The second quarter of the year: April - June. But we are looking more like summer now for the early access release.

    6.8 years ago
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    What is Q2? @AndrewGarrison

    6.8 years ago
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    Together, let's make the Dragon!

    +2 6.8 years ago
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    @ziyadghz You mean bombs?

    6.8 years ago
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    Thank yoooouuu

    6.8 years ago
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    @BillyMathewson @Jarebear10 We actually already have RCS implemented. We do plan to add more command pods eventually.

    +3 6.8 years ago
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    KSP, The Martian, and SpaceX. What's next?

    +2 6.8 years ago
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    Andrew garrison are you planning to add different types of pods

    6.8 years ago
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