I just updated the website with a couple of small features:

  1. Allow publishing unlisted posts. This means that you can upload your craft, etc as unlisted and then publish it from its details page at a later time. This will allow you to edit the description in your web browser prior to publishing so you can make sure it is exactly how you want it to look when it is first available for other players to see. When you do publish, the post will then update its publish date so that it will be considered a new post. This works for crafts, sandboxes, planetary systems, and celestial body posts.

  2. You can now add Contributors to your Planetary System and Celestial Body posts, so they will have their name displayed at the top of the post and receive points for upvotes. Also, when you upload a new version of a celestial body or planetary system, all contributors on your previous post will be automatically carried forward to your new post.


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    4.7 years ago
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    @SupremeDorian And even if you have one, you can’t execute commands, lol

    4.7 years ago
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    2,135 Mixxed

    Wow im so glad im on mobile

    4.7 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro

    @SupremeDorian OK。。。。

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    @sujun If you're on mobile you can't access it without an external keyboard, unfortunately.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro

    @SupremeDorian where is the developer console ?

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    @sujun I'm not entirely sure since I haven't done it, but you should just be able to type PlanetStudio in the developer console and then open the menu and upload it.

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro

    @SupremeDorian how can i upload my own solarsystem.xml

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    @Hooded Currently planet editing is done by editing the planet XML files.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    Now add RocketPlume to this site

    4.7 years ago
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    @InfinityTechnology Like my Yamato,I want to add Pedro As a contributer in the author.

    +3 4.7 years ago
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    How about add a button that can add contributers in "Craft"posts?

    +4 4.7 years ago
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    330 Dave1617

    Hello Sergej once again

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    Also please add a little gimbal range to the Bell, Cone and Delta Noozles of solid motors.

    +3 4.7 years ago
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    Thanks dev for this amazing app
    Looking forward to planet studio.It will make this app complete.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    4,036 LaoWong

    Should be very useful

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    5,769 SelectAKey

    simple detail that will prove its usefulness over time. great idea!

    +6 4.7 years ago


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