Twenty Million. That's how many copies of SimplePlanes you could buy for the price of only ONE brand new Gulfstream G650. So if you're debating which to buy then hopefully, that will help you decide. Of course, that's only if you buy SimplePlanes now during the #GOGSummerSale where SimplePlanes is 75% off for Windows/Mac.


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    773 DUNIAN

    @StigRuz YES

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    1,239 BeeAcademy

    @StrangeAstronaut I know why you asking 👌

    4.7 years ago
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    @SpaceChimp1 I appreciate you trying to help but I have literally like £10 (I am in secondary school) although this shadow thing sound interesting for the future

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    5,241 Kuiper0

    Me: Buys Simple Planes
    Me: x-x

    +4 4.8 years ago
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    1,666 SpaceChimp1

    @Smiles1052 well since this covid19 thing has swept across the US of A... you can get a decent laptop or desktop for less than 200$ or use an online gaming computer server like shadow. Check it out. you can use a top of the line gaming computer on any device with little latency and high performance value. For like 12$ monthly. Just sayin.
    You could then play what you want like SR2 on desktop!

    +2 4.8 years ago
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    Great deal but I have a pretty bad pc by gaming standards and no money to acquire one

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    Well, your getting my money!

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    Well, I got SP when it wasn’t as expensive, so I bought it at the same price as this. Still, @Bmcclory I totally agree

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    4,038 Dawon

    Dang is don't have enough money to get it! sighs

    4.8 years ago
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    +1 4.8 years ago
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    1,012 Siryonkee

    I wish I waited 2 years before buying simpleplanes.. no I don’t I wouldn’t have the patience to wait 2 years

    +1 4.8 years ago


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