It's finally done! Five new space capsules, a jet cockpit with a glass canopy, part transparency support, animated waves, a programmable multi-function display part, a new label part, and so much more. Thank you for your patience with this update. This might be our biggest update yet with over five months of development and nearly 2,000 commits to our repo. This update also took longer as we were trying to figure out how to work during the pandemic. I think we have it mostly figured out now, so we're hoping to start getting updates out a bit sooner than every five months!


  • New space capsules

    • Space Capsule - Visual overhaul of previous Command Pod

    • Komodo Capsule - Sleek capsule which includes a small amount of fuel and built-in engines. Includes a neat rotating nose cone.

    • Patriot Capsule - Space capsule that has a bit more legroom than the alternatives. Great capsule if you love your country and if you have the money.

    • Vroz Space Capsule - Soyuz inspired space capsule.

    • Vroz Orbital Module - Spherical space capsule that fits quite nicely on top of the Vroz Descent Module in case you want to bring more people into space.

  • Cockpit with glass canopy
  • Added a new Label part. Now you can slap custom text onto your craft and it can even dynamically update to display craft properties. It's intended to be used in the cockpit, but we know that players are going to use it everywhere, so be forewarned that it doesn't conform to the geometry it is attached to. It is always flat and you can't change its mind.
  • Added Multi-Function Display part that can execute Vizzy programs so now you can provide custom, interactive user interfaces in your crafts.
  • Added Part transparency
  • Other planets should now be visible through the atmosphere of the current planet during the day.
  • Added ability to zoom the camera when in first-person view with the astronaut.
  • Added a physics distance quality setting.
  • Added Occlusion spinner to Tinker Panel to allow specifying that a part should never be occluded, always be occluded, or automatically calculate its occlusion state (the default setting).
  • Animated waves with physics on PC and Android (Sorry, iOS).


  • Reworked the way terrain physics are loaded. The new approach should be better optimized and more importantly, it should prevent craft from falling through the terrain in some cases.
  • Planets in flight and map view now have geometry resembling their shape rather than showing up as perfect spheres.
  • Better LOD logic to reduce polygon count of distant planets in flight and map view.
  • The sun flare now fades out when the camera goes underwater.
  • Command pods now have an option to automatically default to the suggested pilot orientation whenever the part is rotated.
  • Added Customize button for stock themes to allow copying them to the Custom theme.
  • Changed default fuselage radius to 1m
  • Reorganized part list into new categories: Command, Control, Structure, Propulsion, and Electronics.
  • Added some crash detection logic and crash-loop prevention when starting the game.
  • Large GPU optimization when image effects are enabled and the water exit effect is not active.
  • Added water quality setting options to disable underwater blur, underwater distortion, and the water exit effect.
  • New space capsules support surface attachment
  • Added transparency to part shape tool outline

Full change notes are here.


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    Just released a small update today: v0.9.508:

    • You can now EVA an astronaut by clicking on them, instead of only via the crew-compartment (chair/cockpit/etc.)
    • Added button to menu panel in designer to change the launch location.
    • Fixed bug where interacting with MFDs via an FPS camera would result in jerky inconsistent results.
    • Fixed issue in PlanetStudio System Editor where if you close the info panel for planets you can no-longer reopen it (it opens every time a planet is clicked).
    Pinned 4.4 years ago
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    2,959 BeastHunter

    Please add the waves on IOS. My device can handle it.

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    But how I download it on android :(

    4.1 years ago
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    @TheKingdomOfGeorgia ok forget bout that

    4.1 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @McDuetchVan exospaceman has uhm... changed

    4.2 years ago
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    5,081 AgniteSpace

    @pedro16797 thank you so much for your reply. I will don't tap the link

    4.4 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @AshtvinayakAerospace as you can see in the video there's less than 20 people there and they don't care about showing publicly the phone numbers on the internet, something really dangerous for your privacy
    In addition to that, the claim of devs (or as they call us, manufacturers) being on that group is absolutely false and judging on what they show from the chat it's mostly spam.

    4.4 years ago
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    5,081 AgniteSpace

    @pedro16797 pls see the video
    After seeing this video I thought that simplerockets 2 has a whatsapp group ?

    4.4 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @AshtvinayakAerospace there are multiple discord servers, I'm not aware of any WhatsApp ground but I would recommend against joining any since your phone number could be leaked there.

    +2 4.4 years ago
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    1,080 Freouski

    @Freouski sometimes not every time

    4.4 years ago
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    1,080 Freouski


    While creating a discription about your craft it will get glitched I mean you can write but you can't see what you were writing since the mobile typing board is blocking it there is just no way to see the later words of the discription it can only be seen while the rocket is uploaded which can bring blames to the creator of the rocket for typing something stupid this is a craft of mine where this glitch happened

    4.4 years ago
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    1,080 Freouski

    Any idea of adding pre-made shuttle cockpit and ssto cockpit? Also some lag fixes for mobile?

    4.4 years ago
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    5,081 AgniteSpace

    @pedro16797 does simple rockets 2 have a whatsapp group ?

    4.4 years ago
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    @pedro16797 It worked, it's updating! Thanks so much!

    4.4 years ago
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    @pedro16797 oh ok. I'll try .

    4.4 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @TastyOxidiezer we've released multiple updates after 307, you shouldn't have to select any branch, just leave it as it comes by default. Make sure you haven't selected the 307 branch.

    4.4 years ago
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    @pedro16797 Yes

    4.4 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @TastyOxidiezer are you downloading it through steam?

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    @pedro16797 v.0.9.307.0 :/
    (sry for responding so late)

    4.4 years ago
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    @AdrianCastillo but there are syestems in the game you can download right off of this site

    4.4 years ago
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    @AdrianCastillo I don't think they do but I think it charges battery but real life planets are good to

    4.4 years ago
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    @Thunderstorm5796 One question do solar panels give you gasoline when I activate them or what do they do?

    +1 4.4 years ago
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    @Thunderstorm5796 That would be great too, but what interests me the most is that they put all the real planets from real life and that the earth has the terrain like real life I go crazy if they put those things

    4.4 years ago
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    @AdrianCastillo that would be cool but traveling to other world's would be the thing ever because we would have a purpose for warp drives

    4.4 years ago
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    @Thunderstorm5796 I just want that inside the space capsule we can put ourselves in the first person to see things inside such as chairs, tables, food, computer, etc.

    4.4 years ago
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