Sedopa is a small planet in the Redant-39 system, its called by the Xenonians as Redant-39b, Redant-39 because of the main star and b because its the closest planey to Redant-39. Sedopa has methane lakes around its surface and a very thin atmosphere, also the composition of its atmosphere is Methane, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide and some other gases, as the planet don't have any oxygen in its atmosphere, it isnt breathable and also causes to it have no vegetation.
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 400 km
- Sea Level: 100 m
- Surface Gravity: 1.6 m/s
- Rotational Period: 4d 8h 25m 57s
- Escape Velocity: 1.14 km/s
- Mass: 3.88E+21kg
- Height: 24 km
- Scale Height: 51 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 278 K
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696 heitorM
@Zenithspeed surprisingly i didnt even get inspired by titan in this moon
15.6k Tallisar
Also, there is a good chance for silicon-based, life. Silicon-based life is complex and has a biochemistry nearly completely different from our carbon-based life. So, there could be alien vegetation, just very, very wacky, and it may not look like vegetation!
@Hyperant yeah finally hehe