Lacus is the third moon of Oceanus
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Radius: 1,002 km
- Sea Level: 0 m
- Surface Gravity: 7.7 m/s
- Rotational Period: 14h
- Escape Velocity: 3.93 km/s
- Mass: 1.16E+23kg
- Height: 44 km
- Scale Height: 6,432 m
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 167 K

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@Junkthunder In height pass or height books pass or both?
@JanusSpaceIndustries oh i deleted everything in the biome container, and for Lacus i got rid of the plates and biomes except for the poles
@Junkthunder I know that, but did you delete certain modifiers?
@JanusSpaceIndustries this is a bit late but i figured i couldn't deleted the biome containers directly so i deleted the sub-elements inside the biome container.
@Junkthunder Can you give examples and what you deleted?
@JanusSpaceIndustries oh sorry, i ment that not all biomes can be deleted and maby the one you tried also can't be deleted?
@Junkthunder well how is it my problem if you made this on windows, and I make nearly every planet windows?
@JanusSpaceIndustries i selected the biome and pressed the garbage bin button, but i also saw that you can't delete everything so maby thats your problem?
@Junkthunder How did you delete the biomes? It is actually when I tried doing something similar!
@Junkthunder eyov2 made a tutorial, but being a beginner planet maker, it is very difficult for me to do it! So, at least you and I are not alone!
@JanusSpaceIndustries yeah. I have no idea how clouds work and how to add them to a planet 😑
@Junkthunder Yes but sadly none of them include making clouds, which is the most thing I am interested in.
@JanusSpaceIndustries im also quite silent on the server but most of the people I've talked to are nice. Jastro1 also has a good YouTube tutorial on planet studio
@Junkthunder I did, but I am just silent and watch everyone. I want to seek help but I am introverted at the same time, even though I am ambiverted.
@JanusSpaceIndustries if you have any questions about planet building i would recommend you join the JNO discord server. Anyway it's been fun, have a nice day !
@Junkthunder Simple enough!
@JanusSpaceIndustries no, i just deleted the biomes i didn't want and enhanced the poles a bit.
@Junkthunder Was it hard?
@JanusSpaceIndustries i used the terrestrial template and removed all the biomes besides polar
How did you make this? I love the ice caps, and I have seen things like this before, I just do not remember...
@Junkthunder aight thanks
it'll be a while until it gets in a system though
@Zenithspeed Sure I'd love to see what you come up with.
@Junkthunder ah, nice
is it okay if i make a moon just like this in the future?
@Zenithspeed i was playing around in Space engine and found a gas giant with a moon like this which i found pretty cool. So i used ut as inspiration
damn, i kinda wanna make a planet like this now where it's just water world but with ice caps