Fun fact: I never watched Pokemon episodes.
My friend showed me some pics.
Now I made this😅
- Created On: Android
- Game Version: 0.9.913.0
- Radius: 1,000 m
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 0.1 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 10.0 m/s
- Mass: 7.49E+14kg
- No Atmosphere
- Log in to leave a comment
But my doctor says I can't use my right hand too much or I'll need more surgery so say bye to daily posts lol
So uh I got shot at work as an officer for BMPD S.W.A.T so sry if you liked my posts ik you followed me and you were a real help sometimes lol
Hi vedhaspace rember me ik you follow me cause I rember meating you lol
2,581 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
@Vedhaspace You can find it around the star Gludror, that'll be its parent star
2,581 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
@Vedhaspace Thanks, if you download the system I think I'll have it around one of the two binary stars in the update.
13.8k Vedhaspace
@Gen3ralInterstel1ar you can use it if you want to.
Glad you liked it. -
2,581 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
Awesome planet, and the series is pretty funny when you watch from the beginning. I first watched the first series of pokemon back around 2013-15 and enjoyed it, but as with every show it's up to you to decide if you like it or not. And maybe I might just as a gag, have to put this planet into my upcoming update for the Juno Star Cluster if that's alright with you.
@Vedhaspace yes i know thats a reference