This is captain Jill Startracker onboard the YNK-Tramdriver Nuclear Vessel reporting on the status of the Mithra-Tysoval Survey mission for the Interstellar Terraforming Initiative.
The stellar mass Tysoval black hole shares a binary orbit with the black hole Mithra, and has been measured to be rotating at 99.98% the speed of light.
It’s weird to think about how the black hole system we’re headed towards could be on the brink of some unknown dramatic event due to its incredible spin.
No big ship updates really. All has been going well for the last 200 years. No one has tried to blow up the main reactor since that time Tom lost it when the coffee grinder stopped working.
Sense then, everyone has moved on and Tom is back to his original position in engineering.
LOG-330 — Captain Jill J. Startracker (Tysoval Survey Mission Lead Command)
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version:
- Radius: 20,000 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 345.1 m/s
- Rotational Period: 10h
- Escape Velocity: 117.49 km/s
- Mass: 2.07E+27kg
- No Atmosphere