The Moon is an old rock with a lot of craters and rilles and mountain ranges and basins and mare and whatnot. I made this by changing Pedro's unlisted secret project's xml to load textures of the Moon and project them onto the quad sphere. The textures are all 2048x2048 (with combined resolution being 8192) and are from LRO's wide angle camera. The height map is a greyscale uncompressed PNG while the albedo map is a very compressed greyscale PNG.
Download if you dare!
Tycho Crater
Apollo 17 Landing Site
Aitken Basin
- Successors 2 post(s)
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version: 0.9.403.0
- Radius: 0 m
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 0.0 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 0.0 m/s
- Mass: 0kg
- No Atmosphere
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3,556 SaturnSatellite
@Deanolt pedro isn't the one who made that moon but he made the thing that this guy used for make this
Dev Pedro
@SaturnSatellite yeah, that's cool, I just didn't want the ancestor to be linked. As I specified in CR it wasn't meant to be shared. Everything is cleared now.
25.6k HyperPatch
@McDuetchVan The game uses quad spheres to make planets, I just turned an equirectangular map into multiple cubes, and then projected those cubes on each quad of the quad sphere.
8,572 McDuetchVan
Does the terrain match the cubemap or did you just replace the cubemap or something?
8,572 McDuetchVan
@pedro16797 I'm taking by the fact that you removed the post you were trying to keep that secret
@Zubair Yes