Other Names: Andreas, Augustus, Arkanias

Pronunciation: Ar - ka - nah

"The Angel Guardian"

i managed to find a good version of Arkkanna--newer ones had no rings

from the US2 variant of the Antarius System

inspiration: Crusader

Date of Discovery: Sol 118.2070

Planetary Class: Cool Super Jovian

General Characteristics:
Jovian Masses: 5.79 mJ
Jovian Radius: 2.71 rJ
Density per cubic centimeter: 0.384 g/cm^3
Avergage Temperature: ~239.5k
Planetary Age: 5.681 SBY

Atmospheric Characteristics:
Surface Atmospheric Composition:
51.32% Nitrogen
22.89% Molecular Oxygen
12.48% Water Vapor
3.36% Ammonia
2.59% Xenon
2.17% Hydrogen
1.09% Anhydrous Ammonia
0.83% Argon
0.27% Trace Gases
Atmospheric Pressure: 2.749 atm
Atmospheric Mass: 2.91 aE
Atmospheric Density: 3.224 kg/m^3

Orbital Characteristics:
Orbital Parent: Arventhor, Tempris
Orbital Period: 6.63 SY
Semi Major Axis: 5.12 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.017864
Orbital Inclination: 1.51°
Rotational Period: 0.73 S
Planetary Obliquity: 8.41°

6th planet from Arventhor, and the most largest. Lies between the orbits of Targus and Tarsaeas.
Arkkanna is one of the most significant and important planets of the entire Antarius System. It is known for being the largest, having the highest amount of moons, and boasting one of the most advanced creatures discovered other than the Terrans from Solaris. Arkkanna boasts one of the largest ring systems, dwarfing many like that of Hirenios and Jareth. That, along with the largest moon system makes it very popular and important. There are numerous remains of the Aureus Federation, and while it may seem that they are only on the rocky worlds, they are even present on the gas giants, mainly Hyperus and Arkkanna, though the technology is advanced, reminiscent of the Holy Hypereans.

Arkkanna (Antarius VI, also called “Tarkan” by the natives) is the largest planet in the entire Antarius System. It is known for its rarity, expansive moon system, and complex rings. It is also known for its habitability for not just Hypereans, but also for the Terrans. It has a striking blue color, with contrasting colors of white. Arkkanna is one of the most important planets too, not only in location or characteristics, but also in Hyperean folklore. Arkkanna, along with many other celestial bodies in the Antarius System, was worshipped and personified like that of Tarsaeas. Of course, it was personified as a deity, similar to Tarsaeas. Arkkanna was worshipped as a guardian of some sort. According to Hyperean mythology, it was considered to be the center of the universe. It was also known as the guardian of creation, known for maintaining and protecting the surrounding space the ancient Hypereans inhabited. The other moons also had their place in Hyperean mythology, known as “prophets”, serving under Arkkanna. The Creationists believed differently, however. They believed that when Father created everything (and quite literally everything), He created His kingdom on Arkkanna, watching Hyperus in the distance. This all soon changed, when the age-old “Search for God” ordeal revealed that Father was not on Arkkanna, and lies somewhere in the expansive ocean of stars.
Arkkanna's rich history gives us insight into its diverse yet chaotic past. But the planet itself is precious, holding many materials and characteristics a normal Jovian planet would have. From orbit, we can see there are water-vapor based clouds, and upon further examination, they rain liquid water. Unlike Anderoth or Ondriall, the convection currents and cells are much lesser on Arkkanna than on the aforementioned planets. Because of these "gentle" currents, the bands are much less warped. Despite that, many currents are going past or against each other, creating exotic patterns, and some bands that do not even circle the planet completely. Arkkanna's colors are from the gases in its atmosphere, mainly Nitrogen, Water Vapor, Oxygen, Xenon, Argon, and a few other trace gases that play a very little part. Like many other gas giants discovered, there are layers of the planet that progressively intensify the deeper down you go. Like Ondriall, it has a large ocean spanning the entire planet at the deepest levels. No, this isn't water, but instead an ocean made of primarily dense Hydrocarbons caused by the high pressure. This is so because Arkkanna's core pressure is a whopping 60102534 atms.
Returning up into the upper levels and atmosphere, Arkkanna is full of life. Like Ondriall's Sparadoonaxes Fulcotrelis, there is a similar life form on Arkkanna, taking advantage of the thick atmosphere and beaming light from Arventhor and Tempris. Instead, it is one large colonial organism, with the main lattice work being the foundation to other creatures. They stay aloft by using very buoyant and light gases. Instead of it being like one large bubble, it is evenly spread out, ensuring that the entire creature is balanced. Multiples of these creatures can overlap too, just like the Fulcotrelises back on Ondriall. Because of this behavior is common not only on Arkkanna but also on Ondriall (along with further examination), we can see that both creatures are in the same order, Daroditans. Some creatures also live on top of these Daroditans, using them as solid ground to inhabit. These creatures in turn defend the Daroditans, though so far these are only found on Arkkanna.
There is much more to talk about these strange creatures, but even Hypereans are affected (biologically). Because of the thinner atmosphere at their habitable altitudes compared to Hyperus, Arkkannian Hypereans have adapted to glide better, and have much more fanned-out proportions of their long body to use jetstreams and air currents efficiently. There are many types of Hypereans on each moon, like on Alteraan, Torreah, Vortís, Kothran, and many more. Speaking about Arkkanna's moons, the sheer amount of them can seem quite impossible. Though, like Tarsaeas and Ondriall, this is caused by the high amount of materials of the Tanis Nebula. Hyperus is the most notable moon for appearing like a gas giant but having a surface. It is not that dark on the surface and is comparable to that of a cloudy day on Earth. Alteraan and Torreah are known for this similarity to Earth, and boasting multicellular life. The life on them is also visible from space, showing that they too are rich with the treasures that they behold. Arkkanna also has a large and strong magnetic field, which protects most of the moons from the harmful radiation from the blackholes, which inturn creates large spectacular auroras. There are Van Allan belts, but most of the moons either have a magnetic field strong enough to protect themselves or are slowly withering away like Vortís and Derophus.

Arkkanna is the angel, protector, and guardian of its moons, and forever it shall be.

Natural Satellites:
Alteraan Prime

Total Amount of Moons:
| Major Moons: 19 | Minor Moons: 103 |


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 189.8 Mm
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 20.5 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 88.17 km/s
  • Mass: 1.11E+28kg


  • Height: 2,687 km
  • Scale Height: 389 km
  • Surface Air Density: 3.220 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 240 K




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