Auto Credit Based on Seraku's Droo TRW
Based on Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier #78, measuring about 333m x 77m.
This should have less memory consumption specially for mobile as I experienced, now you can actually spawn ur crafts at it atleast with more decent fps compared than making one from designer.
Plls tell me if you got any problems in downloading it or bugs, this is actually a test upload just so i know if i upload the other one, i would know what to do.
rails from seraku was there because i mistakenly made this in his world i downloaded so... yep
enjoy my first aircraft carrier
- Predecessor: Droo TRW
- Created On: Android
- Game Version: 0.9.802.0
- Radius: 1,274 km
- Sea Level: 0 m
- Surface Gravity: 9.8 m/s
- Rotational Period: 14h
- Escape Velocity: 5.00 km/s
- Mass: 2.38E+23kg
- Height: 59 km
- Scale Height: 8,485 m
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 280 K
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27.1k Zenithspeed
lol i thought it was a bug with the SR2 site showing a "craft post" until i clicked and read the title
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@PrplEgg oohh yeah,got mixed up in my head thanks tho