Other Name(s): Freeman,

Pronunciation: Vore - tis

"Dunes of Freedom and Death"

from the Universe Sandbox 2 variant of Antarius System

inspiration: [None-Original Idea]


Temperate Lacustrine Sub Terra

General Characteristics:
Earth Masses: 0.0409 mE
Earth Radius: 0.392 rE
Density per cubic centimeter: 3.73 g/cm^3
Avergage Temperature: ~277k
Planetary Age: 4.921 SBY

Atmospheric Characteristics:
Atmosphere Composition:
84.954% Nitrogen
11.402% Oxygen
3.61% Carbon Dioxide
0.023% Hydrogen Sulphide
0.0139% Trace Gases
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.699 atm
Atmospheric Mass: 0.408 aE
Atmospheric Density: 0.82006 kg/m^3

Orbital Characteristics:
Orbital Parent(s): Arkkanna
Orbital Period: 3.93 SD
Semi Major Axis: 0.00863 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.00439
Orbital Inclination: 0.00044605°
Rotational Period: 1.965 (1:2 Orbital Resonance) SD
Planetary Obliquity: 0.0217°

3rd moon from Arkkanna. Lies in between the orbits of Zeraphus and Hyperus.
A dying moon once full of life. Vortis' core has been cooling for centuries, yet it should be completely dead by now. Thanks to the tidal forces of Arkkana, the alien life on Vortis is having a slow, painful death.

 Planet Lore
Vortis is currently the third innermost moon of the Arkkanian Planetary System. Vortis, from space, may seem like a regular habitable moon with rivers and big lakes. This is entirely not true as the moon is dying. The rivers were once massive and carried a lot of water, and the lakes were once massive oceans dotted around the planet. Now there are canyons of once-rivers and large empty basins of once-oceans. The water is a deep blue and is quite unclean. There is aquatic life, whereas the life on the surface is having a harder time. Vortis is bombarded with radiation from the Arkkanna and ArTis and has a hazy, cloudy atmosphere due to the rapid evaporation of the water. Some clouds do precipitate, but most are degraded into space.
Vortìs has 2 submoons, the latter of which is large enough to sustain what is known to be half of hydrostatic equilibrium. Uttekesh, the innermost of the pair, is the largest and has a roughly oblate form. There are cracks and craters of many sizes. As for Qaush'leen, it is very round.
Vortìs is also mostly inhabited by many outlaws. The Hyperants sometimes avoid this moon (Vortìs) due to the Hypereans residing here, but the majority of the Hypereans (outlaws or not) are not hostile. While it is true some are notorious, most are on "friendly" terms. Alien life on Vortìs consists of hardy plants to resist the radiation, while some microbes are underground, only coming up for resources. There are some species of the genus Barvunelis, some similar to the Ustrenpased plant found in Zeraphus. The aquatic life also consists of microbes, which can also explain the unsafe consumable water, while having alien creatures and plants (underwater ofc).
Vortìs is a beautiful moon, with receding water and a dying core, to the shriveling plant life to an inhospitable climate. Due to it being part of no jurisdiction, and the fact that the moon is dying painfully but slowly, Vortìs is often known as the "Dunes of Death and Freedom.”

Natural Satellites:

Total Amount of Moons:
| Major Submoons: 0 | Minor Submoons: 2 |


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  • Created On: Windows
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  • Radius: 2,500 km
  • Sea Level: -1,000 m
  • Surface Gravity: 2.6 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 3.61 km/s
  • Mass: 2.45E+23kg


  • Height: 76 km
  • Scale Height: 11 km
  • Surface Air Density: 0.820 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 311 K



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  • Profile image
    27.1k Zenithspeed

    awesome, it's finally here
    i saw this right when the beat dropped in the song i was listening to, made it that much cooler

    Pinned 11 months ago
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    3,672 Isosceles51

    HOLY SH*T, this thing has NO business being so good! Great job @Hyperant!

    Pinned 11 months ago
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    Im a big fan of the clouds

    +1 8 months ago
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    16.0k Tallisar

    Thank you @ChaseWilsons! That explains the reason of my time to time absence—busy making things more awesome!

    10 months ago
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    16.0k Tallisar

    The process is complex, @Spitty. The Antarius System is the center of the Tanis Nebula, and there is a lot of material in it. In some random places, you can find gigantic extraordinary biological structures built by microbes. Hyperant seeded some barren planets, as mere experiments. He would do this to preserve endangered life. Zeraphus, along with many other moons formed from the debris disk that Arkkana once had. They developed like normal moons (except Hyperus, Alteraan Prime, Torrah Prime, Kothran, and maybe Trivonis). Zeraphus, due to it being the innermost moon of the Arkkanian System, has a lot of volcanoes, and its placement in Arkkana's rings gives it a dusty, hazy, toxic atmosphere. The atmosphere allowed microbial life to thrive better than on airless worlds. The Ustrenpased (Barvunelis Ustrenpased) has a hardy anti-radiation shell to protect itself from the radiation. Some other plants would be the Awemtricae (Barvunelis Awemtricae), a similar plant that sacrificed most of its shell for leaves to get more energy. Because of their vulnerability to radiation, they live in shady areas like mountains, caves, and valleys. Rarely do they exist near lava fjords.
    In summary, the rings carried microbial life for the moon Zeraphus.
    Vortis was like Alteraan Prime before its core was exhausted. It was full of plants that had the pigment Retinol, a simpler, purple-colored pigment that was easier to produce than chlorophyll. Life on Vortis formed by Abiogenesis. Would you like me to say more?

    10 months ago
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    3,672 Isosceles51

    @Hyperant I’m curious. Did they spread via Panspermia? Specifically by asteroid/meteorites/comets, or by being stowaways in spacecraft?

    10 months ago
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    16.0k Tallisar

    Thanks @Zenithspeed!

    +1 10 months ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    gg on featured

    +1 10 months ago
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    16.0k Tallisar

    So to begin with, you already know that Vortìs is suffering a similar fate to Ares (Mars) @Spitty? If you do good! But anyway, most of the life is underground and underwater. The caves on Vortìs are beautiful. Due to the warm, dark, and possibly moist environment, they are littered with bioluminescent life, including fungi. Some species of the genus, "Barvunelis" is also found in Vortìs, along with Zeraphus, Trivonis, Erros, and other Andrean moons (Andrean Moons are the innermost moons before Kothran, moons beyond Kothran are Arugan Moons. Kothran is an Andrean Moon for reference). Barvunelis plants (genus, not species) are normally round or bulbous. The Ustrenpased species of the Barvunelis has thin grass-like leaves protruding out the top through a small opening. Some SUB-SPECIES of the Ustrenpased that are found on Vortìs are the Yaquili (Barvunelis Ustrenpased Yaquilis). Under the water also many plants and creatures. Some are hostile whereas some are grazers, eating the plant life. There are also microbes on Vortìs, to of which some may be harmful to humans.

    10 months ago
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    3,672 Isosceles51

    @Hyperant Sure! I'd love to know more about this moon!

    +1 10 months ago
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    16.0k Tallisar

    Sort-of and sort-of not @Spitty. Most of the surface plant life has hardy, thick layers of protection to battle radiation, and the harsh climate, like sandstorms. I can tell you more if you would like me too.

    10 months ago
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    3,672 Isosceles51

    @Hyperant Does this moon have trees?

    +1 10 months ago
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    16.0k Tallisar

    lol xd -- my pc says its Vietnamese??? @IMULAerospaceIndustries

    10 months ago
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    @Hyperant my browser is wiggin out it has no idea how to handle the zalgo

    +1 10 months ago
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    @Hyperant my browser tried to translate that to Vietnamese 💀

    but good planet tho :)

    +1 10 months ago
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    16.0k Tallisar

    lol, thanks @Zenithspeed. I put extra effort into the details because, for some reason, this was my favorite, despite the lore saying its dying and gonna be a barren rock soon.

    11 months ago


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