Gratos is a strange moon of Nanyak indeed. Passing crafts have often reported certain non-essential systems malfunctioning and recovering when nearing and leaving the moon, and the surface sometimes appears to shift erratically. Many suspect that Gratos was originally the core of Rachtus which was pulled out by Mortan, which might explain the strangeness and Mortan's red tints, but with Rachtus still being intact and having no large hole in it, most people agree that this myth is simply false, and unrealistic to an extent.
Lore aside, this is my first planetary body to be based off of the blank template rather than extensively modifying one of the presets, it's simple but does look kinda cool in a way. Only time will tell when my puny braincells will be able to handle making custom full-on planets using the planet brush...
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version: 0.9.704.0
- Radius: 146 km
- Sea Level: -500 m
- Surface Gravity: 6.3 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 1.36 km/s
- Mass: 2.02E+21kg
- No Atmosphere