Pronunciation: J - ah - thar - is

”Filius Lucis”

from the US2 variant of the Antarius System

Date of Discovery: 106.2070

Class: Temperate Marine Sub Terra

General Statistics:
Mass: 0.135 mE
Radius: 0.516 rE
Density per cubic meter: 4.27 g/cm^3
Average Temperature: ~281k
Age: 3.841 SBY

Atmospheric Statistics:
Surface Atmospheric Composition:
74.7% Nitrogen
12.5% Water Vapor
8.77% Oxygen
2.09% Methane
0.93% Hydrogen
1.01% Trace Gases
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.755 ATM
Atmospheric Density: ~0.927 kg/m^3

Orbital Characteristics:
Orbital Period: 2.96 SD
Semi Major Axis: 0.00295 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.00103
Orbital Inclination: 0.211°
Rotational Period: 2.96 SD [Tidally Locked]
Axial Tilt: 0.208°

2nd moon of Tarsaeas, between the orbits of Foroth and Arrax.
Jatharis was one of the first moons discovered, not only around Tarsaeas, but also in the Antarius System. The moon does have life, as it is one of the only moons to be naturally habitable, along with life born from Panspermia. This is evident as there are countless craters of differing sizes and large "rivers" that snake the surface. The current theory for this was that another moon smashed into Jatharis as it was forming. Instead of clumping back together quickly, it slowly regained its shape, thus, creating the iconic rivers that still stand.

Jatharis, also sometimes called "Avaris", is the second moon from Tarsaeas, and the largest. It is roughly half the size of Earth, with similar characteristics. It is quite younger, with an atmosphere less breathable to the Terrans, but fine for Hypereans. Jatharis is known for its striking appearance and history. Jatharis was originally a sub-earth planet in the Naiaphan's Outer Reach. Thanks to the gravity of Ikarris, Jatharis' orbit was slowed, and eventually was caught in Tarsaeas' gravity. There it remained for millions of years, slowly cooling down. Another moon, now known as Vandania, crashed into Jatharis, fracturing it into multiple pieces, before migrating to the inner Tarsean system. Jatharis, now slowly reshaping itself, regained the atmosphere it once lost due to the collision. Thanks to the water-ice in orbit of Tarsaeas, water began to pool on the moon, while also strengthening the atmosphere, making it grow thicker and warming the moon. It would stay like that for a few more million years, before the collision of a nearby moon, Arrax and Vannomia, the debris slowed and entered orbit around Jatharis, which would soon suffer an asteroid bombardment, the stripping of half of its atmosphere, and a much more deformed surface. Since then, things have calmed down, and nothing else is expected to happen for another billion year. Life slowly began to form much more steadily, thanks to the volcanically active core and rich atmosphere.
Life on Jatharis is primarily aquatic, with a few grasslands on the surface, but no definitive large multicellular organisms like trees or animals. Jatharis is also home to numerous species of squid-like creatures, resembling that of a Giant Squid from Earth or the Parovquin from Trivonis. The native life is currently simple, as there is no real biological threat on the surface. For now, it is safe to assume that life with likely remain the same for a few more thousand years, from patches of grass to bacterial colonies, or the simple prokaryotic single-celled lifeforms feasting on the hydrothermal vents kilometers below the surface.
[WARNING: DECLASSIFYING USFC DATA MAY RESULT IN A DEATH PENALTY!] Alright, Jatharis was not always a regular moon. It was one of the central hotspots of the long-dead Aureus Federation, given that there are so many relics. It is also shown that they built cities, well guarded with towering thick walls, and an ai powered defense system. We can see that Jatharis was used for militaristic purposes, mainly because there are ruins of large cannons, capable of devasting destruction. Its power is strong, able to destroy large asteroids about 100km. We can also see that some craters have really tiny bits of Aurean Technology, showing that Jatharis was also a weapons-testing moon. Some holographic displays show that this moon was eventually abandoned, as life was discovered. A large-scale clean-up operation soon ensued, hoping to restore the moon before life began to dominate the moon. They have failed. Some coastal "railguns" are covered in plant matter, showing that the life is thriving, and does not seem to be affected by the weapons testing.


Moon Count: 
| Major Moons: 0 | Minor Moons: 4 |


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 3,286 km
  • Sea Level: 0 m
  • Surface Gravity: 5.0 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 5.72 km/s
  • Mass: 8.04E+23kg


  • Height: 73 km
  • Scale Height: 11 km
  • Surface Air Density: 0.927 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 281 K



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  • Profile image
    3,586 Isosceles51

    @Tallisar I'm also just going to postpone Koypitan, and instead work on a Rubrum revamp, as I felt too stressed at Kelarnu's biomes.

    7 days ago
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    11.4k Tallisar

    Yeah, considering Zarnoja was 1 month ago, and the second planet uploaded before that was 5 months, though. @Isosceles51

    7 days ago
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    3,586 Isosceles51

    @Tallisar A mix of school and my new addiction to stormworks. I will get to work on them soon, however.

    7 days ago
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    11.4k Tallisar

    It's an old one, lol. I mean, at least it looks great, @Isosceles51. Oh, and uh, are you going to post new planets? I've been wondering why you haven't.

    7 days ago
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    3,586 Isosceles51

    Nice Aurora

    7 days ago
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    ZAMNN (also the 2nd pic woahh)

    +1 8 days ago


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