One of the gas giants in orbit around Alpha Centauri B. The densities of the various elements making up the giant as well as the heat from its star and its core creates large convection zones, the swirling gases cause many storms. The giant consists of Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon, Nitrogen, Methane, water vapor, various Sulfur compounds and Phosphorus Compounds. The giant has a ring system similar to Zeus.
- Successors 3 post(s)
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Radius: 65,716 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 24.8 m/s
- Rotational Period: 5d 20h
- Escape Velocity: 57.03 km/s
- Mass: 1.6E+27kg
- Height: 773 km
- Scale Height: 112 km
- Surface Air Density: 0.160 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 1,000 K

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10.9k deepfriedfrenchtoast
@Hyperant that means a lot coming from you! I think your Arkkana v2 planet is still better than mine. You can download this and look in the generation noise, but I have two noises feeding into the bands. One is the default noise of the gas giant preset, and the other one is a high frequency and high strength value fractal with some domain warping. The value fractal noise then goes into a linear remap that decreases its strength, but increases its hardness.
16.0k Tallisar
How did you make your gas giants look so damn pretty? I spend hours or even days trying to make something look pretty, but I will admit, this is prettier than my gas giants! How did you make it?
Damn bro, I wish I was good as you! But, I mean, your shots look so pretty! and the way it just looks is so cool @deepfriedfrenchtoast !