please excuse the thumbnail looking like crap this time around, I had trouble getting a decent quality image of the planet from a distance
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version: 0.9.508.0
- Radius: 671 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 2.8 m/s
- Rotational Period: 3m 2s
- Escape Velocity: 1.93 km/s
- Mass: 1.88E+22kg
- No Atmosphere

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25.7k HyperPatch
Play around with the curve editor and when you think that it looks like an actual crater you can try adding noise/ to the crater by having a separate VertexDataNoise modifier with a unique data index number then feed that number to either the CraterNoiseADataIndex or CraterNoiseBDataIndex. -
5,721 Thorne
Thanks man, I was trying something with render distance and it was still pretty clunky, I’ll try that on my next upload; and for the craters what would you recommend adding to change the noise? @HyperPatch
25.7k HyperPatch
btw just some criticism those craters look ungood with that curve and no noise input
5,721 Thorne
@MrEnder64 That is a slight error I made and hoped that nobody would notice 😂😂😂, it's hard to explain what I did to screw that up but I'm going to have to accept it until I decide to update!
680 RydahGraffn
I like how it almost looks like it has a atmosphere in the thumbnail, but it is only like a 1km tall.
Thanks man! @Rockets5001