Okay, so this time lets forgot about the wacky warp stuff in the last version and get into some real things.
Droo was a paradise, at least before the Great Collide it is, with diverse species and civilizations, Droo was once just like Earth(now moved to the inner Solar orbit by the human race due to the death of Sol, which is still habitable).
The Great Collide changed everything. It was sixty thousand years after the invention of warp technology in Droo, Brigo started to deorbit and its tidal force caused a series of vulcanic eruptions, millions of tons of CO2 and SO2 went into the atmosphere. Causing massive extinction and the severe climate change. Droonians fled to Cylero and further solarsystems. Life on Droo didn’t survive. Brigo crushed into Droo another hundred thousand years later, leaving a ring and a geologically dead planet with brown-yellow bands on the equater.
The death of Juno didn’t change many things here, only the frozen oceans and the freezing temperature. Droonians never come back. For them, the things on the Birch World which was built on the Milky Way’s centre are more important. Parasites from Outer Satellite Galaxies once took this planet as a colony, yet they later found this planet has no value and also fled due to the attack of the Collective League(known as Collective Autonomous Federation in the very past before the Birch World).
Now Droo is a barren planet with only mountains, dunes and salt lakes. The dead silent on this planet will probably continue for billion of years.
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version:
- Radius: 1,100 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 9.7 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 4.62 km/s
- Mass: 1.76E+23kg
- Height: 46 km
- Scale Height: 6,713 m
- Surface Air Density: 1.100 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 235 K

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2,596 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
So, what I'm hearing is that Beach front property is going to be selling for quite a cheap price?
13.7k CoralpolisInterstellar
There’s no ring due to the red giant took it away from Droo.
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Lovely lore!