Auto Credit Based on Soilaf's Better Gas Giant Template V3
A medium sized planet with a few moons, it is the first planet of the outer system, although it’s not very big, it’s mainly composed by nitrogen and oxygen, hydrogen and hellium is blown away by the star. It’s breathable air makes atmosphere living station possible.
The ring faraway is made by two icy moons crashed into each other.
- Predecessor: Better Gas Giant Template V3
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version: 0.9.926.0
- Radius: 10,000 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 50.0 m/s
- Rotational Period: 5d 20h
- Escape Velocity: 31.62 km/s
- Mass: 7.49E+25kg
- Height: 201 km
- Scale Height: 29 km
- Surface Air Density: 100.000 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 210 K
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27.1k Zenithspeed
yeah, but there's also nitrogen in there, which unlike oxygen isn't really flammable, so it's probably fine
this is also the same reason why the earth's atmosphere doesn't burn up and vanish every time someone lights a fire
@SamTheFox -
13.4k CoralpolisInterstellar
@SamTheFox no there’s not enough hydrogen, but only helium.
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
more oxygen means the gas giant could ignite at any given asteroid
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