Parvis is a dwarf planet located in the Avelis system. Parvis has a radius of 1042 kilometers, making it the largest dwarf planet in the system. The planet's surface is mostly covered in ice.

Parvis is characterized by a harsh and cold climate. Its surface is covered with numerous craters that testify to a violent geologic history. One notable landform is a large crater in the southern hemisphere. This crater was probably formed by a major collision with an asteroid in the distant past.

In ancient times, when the stars were just beginning their dance, a great gift came from the center of the eternal horizon. This gift, imbued with light and mystery, was sent from the very heart of the galaxy, where the source of all mysteries and beginnings lies.


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 1,042 km
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 0.6 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 1.13 km/s
  • Mass: 1E+22kg


  • No Atmosphere



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    i do not remember eyov being this good

    2 months ago
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    26.7k eyov2

    @SeeyaTheFurry i searched textures on the Internet and then overlaid them in

    +1 3 months ago
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    2,459 Ceya

    Where do you get all the textures used on your planets?

    3 months ago
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    @eyov2 yep that makes sense

    3 months ago
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    26.7k eyov2

    @That1SpaceDude i inverted the crater depth and added AddBiome

    3 months ago
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    how'd you put a biome in the crater? if you did, that is

    3 months ago
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    0 VGSO

    I’m looking forward to it😀

    3 months ago
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    26.7k eyov2

    @VincentinChina its not available yet. Im still making this system and hope to publish it later this year

    3 months ago
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    0 VGSO

    how can i download the ‘Avelis system’?

    3 months ago
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    9,742 Hyperant


    3 months ago
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    26.7k eyov2

    @ChaseyWasey yes

    +1 3 months ago
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    i am loving the design of that crater dude

    +1 3 months ago
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    3,804 Vee

    This entire planet goes hard. Permission to screenshot?

    +1 3 months ago


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