Tellus. Also Nicknamed "The Fearless Blue" it's is The Fourth Planet in It's System With A Habitability index of 0.821.9 Dominated By Vast Oceans And Strong Storms.
Although it Might Look Beautiful it is Unable To Harbour a Colony Larger then 3 or 4 Billion People.
{Natural Materials}
minerals, rocks, soil, water, metals,
{Fictional Materials}
Tankstan, Phantomnylon, Opsiloyd,
Update [V2.84]
|improved The Atmosphere|
|Reworked The Clouds|
|New Starting Location| (Mt Everest Inspired)
|New Mountains|
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 3,118 km
- Sea Level: 6 m
- Surface Gravity: 9.8 m/s
- Rotational Period: 14h
- Escape Velocity: 7.83 km/s
- Mass: 1.43E+24kg
- Height: 65 km
- Scale Height: 8,573 m
- Surface Air Density: 1.220 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 284 K

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11.4k QuantumSpaceJNO
@EinDeutscher it does not work on custom planets but of you add droo and just do all the thingy that you did on the planet you are making, I think it should work. The thing is you need to have the same size as droo so the parallax should show up.
3,789 EinDeutscher
Yup! I got a laptop and I'm trying to understand how I can add the parallax mod to the planet
@AlphaAreospace oh. That makes sense how