Auto Credit Based on Zenithspeed's Hareon (ZG)

SD 1592 c V "Hareon"

An old and dense moon with a large sphere of influence that has attracted many smaller bodies, eventually resulting in an extremely heavily cratered surface and a thin atmosphere composed of nitrogen, water, and carbon dioxide. Hareon is often thought of as a Callisto analogue, but with its name being very similar to the faraway star Henaor, it has certainly caused confusion to travellers who weren't paying attention to the departure signs at the spaceport.


  • Predecessor: Hareon (ZG)
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 346 km
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 2.4 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 1.29 km/s
  • Mass: 4.33E+21kg


  • Height: 67 km
  • Scale Height: 9,749 m
  • Surface Air Density: 4.9 g/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 212 K



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    26.8k Zenithspeed

    fun fact: while this was in development i had plans for an alternative color scheme that basically ripped off Callisto's colors completely, however i scrapped that since 1. wow how original 2. it caused a lotta lag because i also had to duplicate over craters (due to the darker brown color it would cause a color overflow and do the weird ultradark thing that happens super easily with Callisto knockoffs, even with the colors returned to normal it still does that, it's unavoidable) 3. it also caused the PS preview to do the funny
    so yeah in the end i kept the basic gray rock
    i also had reduce how lumpy it is because there were constant terrain clipping issues (that tends to happen if the elevation difference from lowest point to highest is above 20000 m, the old one had twice that but the new version has exactly that)

    Pinned 4 months ago
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    26.8k Zenithspeed

    @ChaseyWasey dude you don't need permission for screenshots lmfao
    just screenshot away, no one cares

    4 months ago


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