Gargantua is the black hole that appears in the interstellar movie and it is a supermassive black hole that is located in the center of the Messier 87 galaxy, and is orbited by the planets Miller and Mann and an unnamed neutron star.


  • Successors 3 post(s)
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.601.0


  • Radius: 150.0 Mm
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 250.0 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 273.86 km/s
  • Mass: 8.43E+28kg


  • Height: 858 m
  • Scale Height: 186 m
  • Surface Air Density: 10.0 g/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 280 K



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    2,214 AlaskaES

    @MrMelanchology click on the download bottom and put it in a new solar system or in whatever you want

    3.5 years ago
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    How do you download this? I’m used to downloading systems, but not singular celestial bodies.

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    225 THOB

    Love this iffff you want to see your black hole closest to Droo Go check my profile systems and this black hole is amazing dude EPIC!

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    2,214 AlaskaES

    @McDuetchVan @Thorne thanks

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    8,527 McDuetchVan

    I love the way you used mei scattering to imitate the light of the accretion disk bending around the hole, it looks great.

    3.7 years ago
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    5,706 Thorne

    I think you nailed the look!

    3.7 years ago
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    2,214 AlaskaES

    @Arstotzka the radius is 150.0 Mm

    3.7 years ago
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    15.6k Hylo


    3.7 years ago


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