A collosal gas giant composed of Hydrogen and Helium.

It is the largest object in the Saldis System, however it is only the 10th most massive, just behind Querasio at around 6.1x10^26kg of mass. This means the planet is extremely diffuse, with an average density of 17.6kg/m^3. It is not known how such a massive planet can exist, the gasses would either be blown away by any stellar wind or compress under gravity to form a smaller planet.

The rings of Wolahan are the second largest known, extending a total distance of 605792km, almost 6 times the radius of Saldis itself. They are not the largest rings in relation to its parent planet, in fact they only extend 3 Wolahan radii, as opposed to Falikilasio's rings which extend 10.5x its radius. Falikilasio's rings are also the longest known, at around 750000km long, ~7.5 Saldis radii.

It is unknown where Wolahan originates from, none of its gasses match any isotopic abundances to any other Saldis System object. It is thought Wolahan is the remnant of a violent Brown Dwarf collision, with most of the mass of the Brown Dwarfs blown away. Wolahan itself is not a Brown Dwarf as it lacks the Deuterium fusion in its core.

Wolahan's core is composed of an approximately Dalkso sized planet at 1.3x Dalkso mass. Suggesting a lot of interplanetary dust and/or material was consumed and incorpirated into the core, before it ended up at Miano. What is known is that Wolahan is at least 7 billion years old and that it must have arrived in the Saldis system around 600 million years ago.


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 201.9 Mm
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 1.0 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 20.06 km/s
  • Mass: 6.09E+26kg


  • Height: 2,119 km
  • Scale Height: 307 km
  • Surface Air Density: 0.040 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 74 K


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