A tidally locked rocky planet orbiting extremely close to its star, Zlak is the ultimate definition of hell.
Its atmosphere is extremely dense, with a crushing pressure of 112.5 Atm at "sea" level, far surpassed that of Sergeaa, The gas composition is dominated by water vapor, whose greenhouse effect contibutes further to its extreme condition, In fact, Zlak is so hot that much of its surface is a molten slag, with only few intact landmasses, most of which are located on the permanent night side.
Although it's larger than Droo in size, Zlak has somewhat lower surface gravity, indicates that it's largely composed of less dense material.
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Radius: 1,455 km
- Sea Level: 0 m
- Surface Gravity: 9.3 m/s
- Rotational Period: 11d 1h 7m 26s
- Escape Velocity: 5.21 km/s
- Mass: 2.96E+23kg
- Height: 154 km
- Scale Height: 22 km
- Surface Air Density: 55.000 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 1,100 K
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15.6k Tallisar
Yeah, I can tell by the "molten slag" texture. I'm glad you perfected your skills @Aviametal. On a side note, did you make these recent planets out of the blank template?
@Tallisar Thank you, I used lava template for Zlak IIRC, while Glacitta and Grotseis were made with blank.