A red, habitable planet, with reasonably strong gravity.
The vegetation contains an abundance in lycopene and beta-carotenes, giving it a red tint. These pigments also are present in the water, and thus the planet can easily be identified from afar as its bright red colors stand out from the darkness of space.
The atmosphere is extremely oxygen-rich, and thus both internal combustion engines as well as atmospheric jet engines will produce a lot more power, this combined with the somewhat-below-average density atmosphere allows for extreme speeds in a lot of cases.
Atmosphere composition:
- 92% oxygen
- 4% nitrogen
- 2% hydrogen
- <1% CO2
- <1% noble gases - abundance of xenon (lower levels), helium (upper levels), and neon (in stratosphere+upper levels)
- Predecessor: Merak 1.1
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version: 0.9.802.0
- Radius: 1,650 km
- Sea Level: 0 m
- Surface Gravity: 9.2 m/s
- Rotational Period: 14h
- Escape Velocity: 5.51 km/s
- Mass: 3.75E+23kg
- Height: 114 km
- Scale Height: 16 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.119 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 292 K
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27.0k Zenithspeed
1. i tried it with blue once, but it didn't look good so i scrapped it
2. basically it's just a large amount of harmless red bacteria and plankton and stuff -
15.2k Tallisar
@Zenithspeed oh ok! Also, are you going to change the water to blue? Because I think it would look prettier if it was blue, BUT it's just a suggestion. Also, why are the oceans red again?
27.0k Zenithspeed
@JanusSpaceIndustries the pictures on this were taken without the scaled space on (i think), but i do know that Merak's clouds were red and thus blended into the surface prior to 1.5 or 1.4 where they were changed to white
27.0k Zenithspeed
@JanusSpaceIndustries nah, this is terrestrial template, but Merak is one of the most modified planets i have when compared to their original template so it's understandable
15.2k Tallisar
@Zenithspeed Also, what template did you use? Doesn't look like terrestrial or classic Droo...
27.0k Zenithspeed
@JanusSpaceIndustries yeah, i've also read that too much oxygen is bad for you and i lowered it for the same reasons
15.2k Tallisar
Thank God you lowered the oxygen concentration in the newer version. Too much oxygen and you die. I'm too lazy to explain why.
@Zenithspeed okay!