"The Rotten Jewel"
Alsafi System Habitable Zone
18.799 Light years from Sol
The third and largest planet in the Alsafi system, Hkailiminaka is an important part of interstellar trade networks due to its largest moon, Arkarbour, being the only source of the valuable mineral Rakiktite, which is prized across the known systems for its beauty and various other uses.
Unfortunately, the importance of Rakiktite makes the Alsafi system a den for pirates, crime cartels, and extremist organizations who sell Rakiktite on the black market. Leading to near constant wars between criminal groups and mercenaries hired by mining companies, and frequent human rights violations committed by mining companies seeking to obtain as much Rakiktite as cheaply as possible.
Human population
198 Million (including moons)
Major Settlements
Population: 12 million
Control: Paegime Democratic Republic (Socialist Dictatorship)
Population: 80K
Control: Holy Warriors Brotherhood (Fascist militant group) and various other criminal groups. Claimed by PDR
Natural Satellites
5 Major
48 Minor
- Predecessor: Ylias Reupload - Wekeldier
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Radius: 50,843 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 14.9 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 38.89 km/s
- Mass: 5.76E+26kg
- Height: 304 km
- Scale Height: 44 km
- Surface Air Density: 5.825 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 240 K

@MatTheAerospacer Aerostat cities, like the one in the second image.
The coolest gas giant ever
10/10 + upvote
How are there people living on Hkailiminaka? Just asking.
hi guys $£¢€
nice @Zenithspeed
@Hyperant it's not even done :skull:
what you're seeing in the current public version is VERY outdated, right now i have it written to where the second cosmic entity becomes a thing, and this is omly where the chaos starts lmao
Ya, I read your entire story! I like it @Zenithspeed !
@Hyperant @SeeyaTheFurry oh nice lol
as for my own Hypernova, it's actually quite similar to TFF, but has a few key differences to both that and NH:
- takes place in the near future — it technically starts from the big bang of the alternate universe but that's only for backstory purposes, the "real lore" starts in 1991 and lasts until 2029 for the first part, 2030s to 2091 in second part, and there may be a third part but i'm not sure on it yet
- primarily utopian, mainly thanks to CE tech, but still with limits as to not make it TOO perfect of a utopia
- blend of realistic, more toned-down space tech, and the high-tech alien stuff (for spacecraft, no ultra shiny minimalist things for the most part, but you aren't gonna have tons of wires and modules and stuff sticking out of walls like on the ISS, so most spacecraft interiors are covered with easily removable panels that cover up the internals and are made of metals so that you can walk on them using magnetic shoes in zero-g)
- my attempt at a somewhat more realistic depiction of aliens, including bigger or smaller scale based on oxygen levels, still a WIP anatomy (right now they're mostly humanoid, bipedal with occasional differences in head shape, eyes, mouth, etc, will plan for more xeno-biodiversity later) as well as them having custom numbers (e.g. some count in octal system or whatever) measurement units for time, distance, etc (their languages are still kinda wip, for now it's just "english but words are replaced with random semi-gibberish words and maybe slight changes to the word order")
- obviously, there's one, then two, finally three humanoid lookin' guys that are way too OP and are basically the plot's endless fuel lmao (Hypernova isn't meant to be full serious, it's part-time mild parody, part-time actually serious)
- by far the most simple form of FTL travel possible: make something capable of going faster than light via funny cube, slap a stronk engine on it, off it goes (also way faster FTL speeds than most scifi, including, well... several quadrillions times the speed of light :D)
The TFF universe isn’t meant to be entirely good. About 30% of TFF lore is situated before the year 2050. There is also a lot of fighter and blood/gore (talking things like wounds, death, alien stuff, etc.) so, it is not meant for everyone. It is rather surprising that the TFF universe would have something like this, but it is an alternate timeline when alien life is everywhere and thriving, and some awesome-looking ships too. The planets I make that are from TFF are from the year 2030+ because it is that point where space travel is much more common. But yes, every planet and moon I make that is from the TFF universe is an exotic visually pleasing aesthetic because each one has something and why. I know this was unnecessary, but I just wanted to tell you why things look such things, and also tell you that not everything in TFF is space-based @Seeya.
@Hyperant it’s fine, my comment on Arkkana was mostly just a joke, upvotes don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.
And it only really makes sense, you have a much better posting schedule (while mine is almost rivalling the YouTuber robbaz) so much more people are checking out your account. And it seams your TFF planets have a much more exotic visually pleasing aesthetic to them, compared to the hyper-realistic, drab, semi-dystopian theme of basically everything in NH.
tbh I do kinda feel bad that Arkkana/Andreas v2 had more upvotes than Hkailiminaka
@Seeya literally me irl bro
relatable as frick
@Seeya I can relate at some points. I suggest you too follow your own advice such as this one: "Do things at you own pace"
@AK5Z Because I’m an idiot who insists on making the planets before I’ve even finished the lore.
@Seeya ok
@PZLAerospacesAgency yeah
Nice. And also was your dead account @Yilas?
@Seeya 🤯
@SillyBillih Magic.
How did you do this😭
this looks awesome. like Jupiter but better
Top Notch. Exceptional.
@Zenithspeed welp it's on the front page of JNO
waiting for this to get featured
Bwetefull. :0