A giant natural fusion reactor covered in flames.


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 139.1 Mm
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 274.0 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 276.09 km/s
  • Mass: 7.94E+28kg


  • Height: 1,211 km
  • Scale Height: 175 km
  • Surface Air Density: 1.000 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 5,778 K



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    @Hyperant I do like red dwarfs my favorite star is Proxima Centauri

    9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    You only made 2 stars @BmnkRocketIndustries . You also made this quite quickly. I think you did this just so you can get EA? I also prefer the first star you made, Cat, because the surface looks more realistic than this one. It looks like a red dwarf to me.

    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant isn’t it very reminiscent of the sun

    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant this is the best star I’ve ever made

    9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    You don’t need to make realistic planets @BmnkRocketIndustries . I want just too see the best of you.

    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant at least I am at some planets

    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant do anything good and realistic? I have to use other peoples planets i’m not really that good at making my own

    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant I can’t make stuff realistic because I’m stupid

    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant I don’t know how to do anything and I never will because I’m an idiot

    9 months ago
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    🪐 🚀

    9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    You get better by doing your best, and taking your time and not being rushed. Noticed that my moon, Zeraphus, looks pretty? It is because I tried my best and took my time. I put my effort into it. By trying, you can go places @BmnkRocketIndustries.

    9 months ago
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    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant I’m just stupid

    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant how do I get better?

    9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    If this is truly how good you are @BmnkRocketIndustries , then I have to turn you down. The thing is, I want people with experience with making planets to have access. If I gave everyone access, then it is complete. Until you get better, I won't give you access.

    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant I have already showed you how good I am

    9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    That's great @BmnkRocketIndustries , but that won't change my mind. I suggest you try to do something that you can put your best effort into. Show me how good you are!

    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant I AM SHOWING YOU

    9 months ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    What do you need @BmnkRocketIndustries ?

    9 months ago
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    9 months ago


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