A very weird planet with tall mountains and pink lakes with a very large monolith i wonder what it marks?


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 390 km
  • Sea Level: 0 m
  • Surface Gravity: 19.5 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 3.90 km/s
  • Mass: 4.44E+22kg


  • Height: 100 km
  • Scale Height: 14 km
  • Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 951 K



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    @Wallnutslover123 I do good buddy

    20 days ago
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    @RocketManbuuuuuuu you dont gotta do all that

    20 days ago
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    "Hey everyone, I just wanted to take a moment to recognize WalnutLover123 for their recent rocket project. It’s truly impressive to see someone embrace such a challenging and intricate undertaking. The amount of passion, creativity, and effort you’ve poured into this project is commendable, and it’s inspiring to see you tackle something so ambitious.

    Of course, every groundbreaking project has its hurdles and areas for improvement, and your rocket is no exception. It’s completely normal for a complex endeavor like this to encounter some bumps along the way. What’s important is the dedication and resilience you’re showing through these challenges. It’s through facing and overcoming these obstacles that true innovation happens.

    The fact that you’re pushing boundaries and exploring new frontiers speaks volumes about your commitment and enthusiasm. Each iteration and adjustment is a step towards progress, and it’s clear that you’re learning and growing with every experience. Keep refining, experimenting, and dreaming big—your determination is inspiring, and it’s exciting to think about the potential advancements that lie ahead.

    So here’s to you, WalnutLover123! Keep up the amazing work, stay curious, and keep reaching for the stars. Your journey is a testament to the spirit of exploration and creativity, and I’m eager to see how your project continues to evolve and succeed."

    21 days ago


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