The moon of Yardes, with even more craters than its parent. Its composition is mostly rock though the surface layers have water ice as well. Its age is one of the oldest in the galaxy, which explains the craters, but despite being a captured satellite, it has a prograde orbit, little eccentricity, and low inclination.
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version:
- Radius: 827 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 4.1 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 2.61 km/s
- Mass: 4.23E+22kg
- No Atmosphere

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27.1k Zenithspeed
@Hyperant "like this moon" pfffft no, this is part of the Etaros system, which is basically where i put most of the planets that only came from random thoughts, like Vakto being "what if many mountain with smol lakes", Secha being "what if green and yellow planet", etc. (there's a lot of planets like that but this is where the concentration of them is a bit more noticable)
however, Yardes and Vallum are unique, in that Yardes (alongside the entire URADS-42 system) was originally a planet made up by me and a guy i knew on Roblox during some random for-fun RP we made to pass the time, but i eventually just took the ideas, modified them, and now they're in ZG2 lol
Vallum is a bit different, but in that RP, Yardes did have a moon that was said to "only appear every million years" or something, since that's basically impossible i changed it so that it's just really dark and hard to see, so the end result became Vallum as a dark bluish black boi -
16.0k Tallisar
mmmm yes because you seemed to like this moon @Zenithspeed, and I didn’t want you to be mad over my “constructive criticism”
27.1k Zenithspeed
@Hyperant lol, you expected me, the apathetic, misanthropic, mentally ill idiot to get offended by something like that?
16.0k Tallisar
thank you for understanding me @Zenithspeed and not freaking out like other people.
27.1k Zenithspeed
@Hyperant yea, but this entire thing's gimmick is that it's got craterage
as for the gloss i just liked the way it looks but i do agree it's a bit too much -
16.0k Tallisar
its cool, but the view from space kind of doesn't match the surface well. the surface is fire, though, but i suggest (remember that word) that you lower the "glossiness" or lower the crater count (remember the word suggest?)@Zenithspeed
blud looked at Callisto and went "nah i'd win"