Alternative names: Nevonaria, WR-ZG-1, SD 1798 A

While it is extremely hot, for a WR star it is quite tame. Alpha Nevonum A is the largest of the group but is actually rather small compared to some other stars. It is partially responsible for the nebula of Nevos, which it and a whole local constellation is named after.


  • Created On: iOS
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  • Radius: 118.1 Mm
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 291.8 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 262.54 km/s
  • Mass: 6.1E+28kg


  • Height: 41,394 km
  • Scale Height: 5,992 km
  • Surface Air Density: 1.000 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 21,031 K



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    26.8k Zenithspeed

    he H A W T
    and sorry to the extremophile aliens out there, you can't use this as a sauna, use Venus for that purpose instead

    Pinned 5 months ago
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    26.8k Zenithspeed

    by "s%~£show of a story" i obviously mean Hypernova, that's literally what it is, an absolute s%~£show
    as for handwave, well, TV Tropes will explain

    5 months ago
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    11.4k Tallisar

    And by handwave and "s%~£show of a story", what do you mean @Zenithspeed?

    5 months ago
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    26.8k Zenithspeed

    @Hyperant yes
    once again, result of "simulation bugs" because that's the best handwave i have for this s%~£show of a story

    5 months ago
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    11.4k Tallisar

    Wolf-Rayet stars are very, very big. Did you mean that is is small compared to the other WR stars?

    5 months ago

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