Auto Credit Based on Zenithspeed's Phaedra (ZG 1.1)

Phaedra (sometimes called Pheder) is a medium sized cold planet orbiting around Pholis. It has a multitude of ice spikes scattered around its terrain, primarily around equatorial regions. It strangely seems to not be tidal locked despite orbiting around a red dwarf star.
The planet has a relatively thick and oxygenated atmosphere, but does not have life. On the surface, heavy cloud coverage and endless snowfall dominate the weather patterns. There are some liquid water bodies too, which come from recent impact events and former volcanic activity which heated the surface.
Phaedra is the accepted standard for "blizzard planets" - rare and unique celestial bodies with the right conditions to have virtually endless snowfall on its surface - and it is also the most habitable out of all currently known blizzard planets in the SDG-1 galaxy.

Atmosphere composition:
82% nitrogen
16% oxygen
2% miscellaneous

Water bodies guide:
Mare Centralia, Central Sea: Located near the equator as a rather solitary water body, it has the second-highest consistency of all the major water bodies, existing for about 71% of Phaedra's rather short year. It is connected to the small Heart Lake northwest of it via Vena Flumina.
Mare Mosaica Subpolaria, Mosaic Subpolar Sea: Although not a ''true'' sea normally, as it is primarily scattered into several smaller lakes during most of the year. Only 9% of the year is it filled, and during this time the lakes conjoin into the full sea.
Eternicum Lacus, Eternal Lake: The most consistent of all the water bodies. With a high salt concentration, this lake persists through the toughest colds of Phaedra's climate, never freezing or evaporating.
Mare Subpolaria, Subpolar Sea: Approximately the largest water body on Phaedra, roughly extending from near the equator to beyond the south polar boundary.
Cor Lacus, Heart Lake: A small lake northwest of Mare Centralia, named for its shape resembling a cartoony heart.
Vena Flumina, Vein River: A rather wide river that connects Mare Centralia and Cor Lacus.
Mons Lacus, Mountain Lake: Located inside a former volcano. Very salty, and next to Eternicum Lacus it is the only other fully consistent water body on Phaedra.



  • Radius: 732 km
  • Sea Level: 3,500 m
  • Surface Gravity: 5.3 m/s
  • Rotational Period: 14h
  • Escape Velocity: 2.80 km/s
  • Mass: 4.29E+22kg


  • Height: 94 km
  • Scale Height: 14 km
  • Surface Air Density: 0.922 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 256 K



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  • Profile image
    26.8k Zenithspeed

    overcooked another one :/
    but yeah this is still one of my favourite planets in ZG, it's no wonder i made Azimuth (3rd cosmic entity) originate from here

    Pinned 4 months ago
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    4,425 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed 👍

    2 months ago
  • Profile image
    26.8k Zenithspeed

    @PZLAgencies yes
    16% oxygen, a bit low pressure, and about as cold as the Nordic countries during their winter

    2 months ago
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    4,425 PZLAgencies

    partially habitable right?

    2 months ago


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