Other Name(s): Foroth, Forothios

Pronunciation: Lie - ra - foth

"Incandescent Enigma"

US2 version was less colorful and greyer--just like every other version of the other planets

from the US2 variant of the Antarius System

inspiration: Vall, Pan


Cool Airless Lacustrine Mini Aquaria

General Characteristics:
Earth Masses: 0.0147 mE
Earth Radius: 0.231 rE
Density per cubic centimeter: 6.58 g/cm^3
Avergage Temperature: ~223.5k
Gravity: 2.7184 m/s^2
Age: ~2.967 SBY

Atmospheric Characteristics:
[Atmosphere Absent]

Orbital Characteristics:
Orbital Parent(s): Tarsaeas
Orbital Period: 2.07 S
Semi Major Axis: 0.00517 au
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.0372
Orbital Inclination: 1.47° [Matched Obliquity]
Rotational Period: 2.07 S [Tidally Locked]
Obliquity: 1.47° [Matched Inclination]

1st moon from Tarsaeas, Lies before the orbit of Haroukol.
Lyrafoth, also known as Tarsaeas II (called "Foroth" by the Hypereans) is the second innermost of Tarsaeas. Lyrafoth has many distinct features. Because of its proximity, it amassed large amounts of craters, especially near its equator. This, and the equatorial ridge formed by the ring particles of Tarsaeas make it unique. One notable feature is its polar ice caps, which are fairly large, to say the least. There is also a strange unknown liquid that pools on its surface. The properties are strange, as the liquid can exist in a vacuum (i.e., space) while exhibiting very high temperatures. What's strange is that when cooled, the liquid changes color, and its temperature significantly decreases, however, it is still hot (at least to the human touch). For now, this strange matter will be referred to as "Forontinium".

Lyrafoth is the innermost moon of Tarsaeas, and is very special compared to the other moons in the Tarsean System. Lyrafoth is mainly known for its involvement with the Hyperants and its characteristics. It boasts large ice caps, an equatorial ridge, and hundreds upon thousands of craters. Its most notable feature is the presence of Forontinium, which isn't fully natural. Another non-natural material is Korelite from Shabol. Though these two materials have almost nothing in common, they are both resilient to drastic changes in temperature. Forontinium also has a very high temperature, despite the freezing temperatures of Lyrafoth. This makes it a great insulator from the cold. Surprisingly, if the temperatures are much higher, say temperate, the temperature of Forontinium roughly stays the same, only slightly higher. Its use was never truly specified, though it may seem like a byproduct of some sort. Lyrafoth also had something tied with the Hyoerants by itself. In the distant past, Tarras San (also, informally known as Tarsaeas), liked to create things with his powers. He created the first Constructs, non-biological warriors with a crystalline texture, and extreme strength and mobility. One of which he made to be one of his higher-ups, Lyrafoth. Though, this is similar to what Zolphius Kaith and Vanossias can do, albeit less powerful, but can be created quickly.
Moving on, Lyrafoth gets its green color from some of the materials on Tarsaeas. During its formation, Lyrafoth accumulated some of the material from Tarsaeas, coating most if not all of its crust in these materials. Similarly to the other moons that or it within their parent planet's rings, it has craters concentrated there, along with various other craters from the impacta of Tarsaeas' ring particles. It also doesn't have an atmosphere and is not very volcanically active compared to most other moons that are kept in close proximity. Lyrafoth's core is weak, allowing lots of radiation to bombard the surface.

Natural Satellites:

Total Amount of Natural Satellites:
| Major: 0 | Minor: 1 |


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 1,473 km
  • Sea Level: -40,000 m
  • Surface Gravity: 2.7 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 2.83 km/s
  • Mass: 8.84E+22kg


  • No Atmosphere



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    15.9k Tallisar

    I delayed so long cuz original lore was somehow accidentally deleted by the “inspect” thingy when you right click. at least it’s out now…

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    very huge

    3 months ago
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    1,045 67milo

    @67milo which means green means trees

    3 months ago
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    1,045 67milo

    Gren means tres

    3 months ago


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