A sub-sub-moon, covered in grass and moss, with lots of microorganisms living in it. The gravity and atmosphere density is quite a bit higher than what its small size might suggest. It is very similar to the nearby Muri.
(haha yes moonception go brrrrrr)
- Predecessor: Shamrip
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version: 0.9.918.1
- Radius: 128 km
- Sea Level: 0 m
- Surface Gravity: 3.2 m/s
- Rotational Period: 14h
- Escape Velocity: 906.9 m/s
- Mass: 7.86E+20kg
- Height: 31 km
- Scale Height: 19 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.324 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 278 K
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27.0k Zenithspeed
unfortunately i won't be able to do that since water is confined to a sphere in the game and can't be adjusted to fit irregular celestial body shapes such as asteroids
@ledownloader123 -
27.0k Zenithspeed
that's almost a thing, actually, the moon Muri is basically a heavily modified asteroid with atmosphere, water, and some primitive life
@ledownloader123 -
102 ledownloader123
A planet has a moon, which has a moon, which that moon has a moon. Well now all that’s left is to make an asteroid which has an atmosphere and has water and islands with life
27.0k Zenithspeed
generally, the most simple way i've found is to use 2 noises for both biomes and terrain and using the seed syncronization thing (make sure frequency, lac, and gain are identical, the strength can be freely changed tho), for the simplest one there's 2 biomes (one for underwater terrain and one for dry land), you might be able to get away with just using one noise in the biomes section and having the height multiplier (generate height, expression, basic arithmetic, remap, etc) leech off of that noise, but i haven't tried that yet so idk if it works
this isn't the best looking or most efficient solution but it is the simplest one, until you get to learn more advanced biome techniques you can use this i guess
@chillymations -
3,986 chillymations
@Zenithspeed I still haven't figured out making habitable planets (or actual biomes for planets with water) with the blank template, could you help me?
i decided to remove some of the total dominance of the planet brush and let the noises go wild :)