Ch - eh - rub
"Even Crazier Space Dust!"
from Universe Sandbox 2
Date of Discovery: Sol 182-2309
The only moon of Trivonis.
Major Points of Interest
Research Station "Astreidis" -This Research base has one of the best and prettiest views from Trivonis. It has beautiful mountains, big craters, and very fine dust that gets blown everywhere with the slightest RCS engine plume on the surface. There is also a strange deep hole at the center of a nearby crater. Some speculate a ship crashed here.
Cherrub was quite hard to spot. Many people thought that Cherrub was debris from the Arkkannian Ring, but due to Trivonis' distance from the ring makes it seem unlikely. Cherrub is mainly comprised of silicates and a few ores. It has very irregular terrain making landing difficult for spacecraft, but the Hyperants can exist in space for very long periods without oxygen, and relatively land or move around Cherrub with ease. Though, some do have an "allergy" to this dust.
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Radius: 30 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 0.2 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 103.7 m/s
- Mass: 2.4E+18kg
- No Atmosphere

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1,045 67milo
@Hyperant Im just gonna describe how there was just white and no other color and the skybox was normal.
16.0k Tallisar
Dearly sorry @67milo, can you send me a pic of what it looks like? If I find the root cause, it will be fixed in its next demo release.
16.0k Tallisar
Thank you for the notice @IMULAerospaceIndustries . When I tested it in Planet Studio, I spawned on the pad.
The launch location seems to be a bit off. When I load it in Planet Studio and select the research pad, I spawn in the air to the north of the building.
16.0k Tallisar
That’s because that was last known picture about it @RudimentaryCheezit . Until I find a newer version, that is the current US2 counterpart
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@Hyperant only my craft had color too