Auto Credit Based on Isosceles51's Paxil

General Info

Paxil is a large moon, larger than ganymede in size and MUCH more in mass! It is mainly composed of any icy crust of N2 (Nitrogen) and H2O (Water), a mantle composed of silicates, and a core of mainly Fe (Iron). It is also 13.5% the mass of Earth, or around 11.25 times the mass of The Moon. It is the most massive moon of the Cergal system, and one of the largest in the entire Kal Tabin system! It was originally a planet that was boosted, captured, yeeted, captured, and then captured again, which is how it currently is. It has an average temperature of 185 Kelvin (-88.15 Celsius).

Lore and History

(In a Nutshell)
Paxil used to be a thriving world, teeming with life! Unfortunately, it was ejected into the outer system, either by Dir Kanil, or, more likely, Ertalis. It was eventually captured by Boraeus, and remains it’s jewel moon.
(Full history)
Paxil was formed at around the same time period as Dir Kanil, and even in the same region. In fact, the culture of the sentient life that developed there saw Dir Kanil as the yellow gem; Yikrayill (Yee-Kry-ill) in thier language. During this formation, it developed a 3:4 Orbital Ressonance with Dir Kanil, being the more further one. Later on, It got a slight boost from Sa Talis, and then another from Dir Kanil. This wasn’t much, but slowley, as it kept on getting boosts, it neared the influence of Ertalis. The people there were well versed in astronomy and in astrophysics, and believed their world would get ejected from the habitable zone. They, sadly, were right. Around 190,000 years ago, Ertalis captured and sling shotted the helpless planet. It was assumed by it’s people that their world would be a rouge. This time, however, they were incorrect. While it did get far, it was double captured by the brown dwarf Cergal and it’s largest planet Boraeus, where it is still in orbit today. Life using water as a solvent, and oxygen for breathing is most likely impossible, as the object has oceans of O2, and water ice acts like hard bedrock, although astronomers on Dir Kanil are picking up weird signals that form low pixel images from Paxil, hence the name. That was also how it was discovered.

Atmospheric Conditions

Though most of the atmosphere has been liquified or frozen, there is some of it left. Most of it is Argon, at 85%, then 14% CH4 (Methane) (Which is kept up via Methane Volcanisim), and 1% other compounds .
The pressure of the atmopshere is 0.304 bar, or 0.3 atm, which is 30% the pressure of Earth's atmosphere. Before the "planet's freeze death", it had a far thicker atmosphere, at 1.115 bar, or 1.1 atm, and was composed of more O2 and N2, which are now ices and oceans.


Paxil was once a beautiful world, but it is now a frostball at the edge of a system. There may still be life. And if so, they're some of the most amazing, hardy, and stubborn in the face of an icy death!


  • Predecessor: Paxil
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 590 km
  • Sea Level: 0 m
  • Surface Gravity: 6.9 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 2.85 km/s
  • Mass: 3.58E+22kg


  • Height: 22 km
  • Scale Height: 5,611 m
  • Surface Air Density: 0.570 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 185 K



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