Miros is Vulco's only moon and probably formed not long after his parent body.
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3,428 Kaeya
@Insanity Since Eos was the start of planet making, would you be alright with me making an updated version of Eos to honour the first user made planet?
@Insanity Sorry i already remived eos and i replaced it with luna and i modified the textures
11.0k Insanity
@HAPPYWARRIOR my problem wasnt with the credits, cause in the end they were there, what i was saying is, that i would have liked if you asked me beforehand if you could use the planets. Its ok though, i can see that you didnt have any bad intent and in the end im not too defensive about my planets, as they are just a very small project for now. So in the future a small message in advance would be very appreciated.
@Insanity hey i am sorry about the copyright i made the description is too big so i put it in a credit file i tried to put it in a description box but my phones battery is almost dead and it was night at asia i was sleepy so i rush writing the description i am so sorry .i removed the eos as pluto and i change it to my own work and also next time i will write the credits im so sorry
11.0k Insanity
@HAPPYWARRIOR thanks man, might release a small patch later this week with some colour correcting and terrain adjustments for most of the bodies, or i'll wait for a bigger release, dont know yet.
@Insanity Yeah pluto is my favorite planet you did a great job on this its really beutifull
@TheMakerOfThings sure