A large moon with an atmosphere orbiting close to Refgant. The massive gas giant's tidal forces heats the surface. As a result, it has warm tempratures and there is water, and therefore it may have life. It has volcanoes under the water, red islands, and the water has a slight tint of red to it. Scientists think the reason why this moon has tints of red to it is because of the light that reflects off Refgant, eventually reaching this moon which absorbs the red light. This moon also has a purple atmosphere wavelength.

When you’re in sandbox mode and look up into the sky from the surface, the sky appears orange-yellow for some reason.


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 700 km
  • Sea Level: 0 m
  • Surface Gravity: 7.0 m/s
  • Rotational Period: 14h
  • Escape Velocity: 3.13 km/s
  • Mass: 5.14E+22kg


  • Height: 63 km
  • Scale Height: 5,435 m
  • Surface Air Density: 1.030 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 330 K


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