Original title: Vizzy Loses Control of Pitch-Yaw-Roll When Under Astronaut Control

When controlling an astronaut instead of the craft, Vizzy pitch-yaw-roll inputs seem to be ignored completely.

Edit: Andrew: I'm not sure what the solution here would be. In most cases, we need the craft to replicate inputs when the user switches control to the astronaut. Maybe the command pod needs another setting to indicate that it should not do that.

Bug Planned Found in 0.9.509.0
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    43.8k goz

    Upon further investigation, turns out I’m a bit of an idiot. Somehow the craft turned on ‘replicate commands’ even though it’s off in the designer.

    Edit: I’ve noticed that switching to astronaut controls automatically flips on the ‘replicate commands’ toggle. Is that intended? Seems like it should stick with what is designated in the designer screen.

    4.2 years ago


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