Parts wont stay together as original it was.Thank u Devs
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15 simonchc
@AndrewGarrison Definitely happened over time while crafts are in flight in the sandbox
Dev AndrewGarrison
@simonchc @AnotherFireFox is this something that happens at design time or something that develops over time while crafts are in flight in the sandbox? I just assumed it was the latter.
9,685 AnotherFireFox
I faced this a lot of times and I thought it's part of xml optimization @AndrewGarrison
15 simonchc
@AndrewGarrison Hey there! unfortunately, I don't have the confidence that I can reproduce this state. I was just unintentionally found it look like this. I will let you know if I successfully reproduced it. Also, I think its just a minor bug because this didn't happened on my other same kind crafts. I appreciate you guys' hard working .
Dev AndrewGarrison
Do you have any idea how it got into this state? Did you notice it gradually shifting and developing the gaps, or did it happen all at once?
@AnotherFireFox @simonchc I think we fixed this in 0.6.8. Let me know if you see it again.