Giving astronauts a sense of purpose

When landing astronauts on planets and moons, let's have them actually build something.
Astronauts have an inventory in their rocket with building blocks, and can build bases, or anything else, similar to how building is done in minecraft.

How I vision bringing materials:
Building material could be brought on the rocket in the form of a new rocket part: Simply a compartment full of building materials that the astronauts can interact with.

Suggestion Submitted


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    10.9k Insanity

    Im sorry but this isnt happening, you'd have to redesign the terrain system entirely, not even mentioning the difficulties of implementing voxels on planet scale, even if you could manage it the performance would be necessairily way worse and probably wouldnt even really run on mobile.

    2.4 years ago
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    200 djtechnoo

    @Thebapi Good and valid point. It might be an outcome if it's like copying someone's homework. I think the equal and opposite could also be true, however, "similar to how building is done in minecraft" is meant to be very broad, and rather inspire some kind of building mechanism, like we see in Valheim and other games that involve building. Far all I know, a base could be designed in a "base editor" just like the rocket builder editor. At the press of a button, that base instantly comes into existence in a desired place by the astronaut.

    3.9 years ago
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    5,184 Thebapi

    Soon MC community come to this game and say copied game from Minecraft yes bcuz jundroo don’t want to hate

    3.9 years ago

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