Currently the afterburners can only be turn on/off by setting the afterburner throttle and controlling the craft's throttle.
But that also makes "Running the jet engines at 100% throttle without burners on"impossible,which is not good when players want to maintain the efficiency while getting the max thrust.
I think that its a good idea to have several opintons (a switch can be added into the designer-properties of the engines ,so that players can choose how to control their afterburners)
1:Afterburner throttle : When the throttle is higher than the Afterburner throttle,The Burners will turn on.
The higher the throttle is ,the higher the burner throttle is.(This needn't to be changed , currently what we have is pretty fine)
2:Afterburner AG : A certain AG can be set by player that toggles the burners .When activated burners throttle is 100%.When deactivated burner throttle is 0%
3:Afterburner slider/input.A certain slider or input(which may be a variable of vizzy) can be set by player that toggles the throttle of the burners .

Suggestion Submitted


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    Dev Pedro

    @BeyondDroo the issue is that parts only support one activation, the one for the part itself. Having a way to link the burners to an AG would require changing a lot of the code in order to add something that, with some extra steps, can be done now.

    2.1 years ago
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    @Pedro thanks ,that might be a good idea.But i think my idea may be even simpler ,and it can be avilable in career mode ,where thinker can't be used.

    2.1 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    One thing you can do is set the threshold at max (or even higher if you are ok with using the tinker tools) and then in the throttle input have something like
    Throttle * 0.95 + AG1 * 0.05
    This way when AG1 is off you'll be right below the afterburner threshold at 100% throttle, and enabling AG1 will get you past the threshold. If you tinker with the part to have the threshold at 99.99% the input will look more like
    Throttle * 0.9999 + AG1 * 0.0001

    +1 2.1 years ago

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