Would be nice to control how much light is applied to the planet/moons when on the dark side of the body (especially helpful for us creators who want to show things in darkness).
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Yea those settings don't allow you to see any planet/body detail. They only have a slight effect on the vessel itself. Almost no effect if the vessel is quite reflective though. Just need a way to brighten it all up when explaining things to an audience in the dark.
40.7k KellyNyanbinary
Apply light to the planetary bodies themselves. @NathanMikeska
Dev NathanMikeska
@marcushouse @Kell @AnotherFireFox We do have 0% - 300% sliders in the game settings for 'Ambient Light at Night' and 'Ambient Light in Space'. Is this suggestion something different or do we need to change something about the current ambient light settings?
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In the next release, there should be an option in the game settings to enable/disable ambient light attenuation. That coupled with the existing ambient light settings, should allow the terrain to be illuminated much better in the dark.