So, somehow, an engine giving out a maximum measily 19Kw of power, is enough to keep a 2.22 ton complete brick of an airplane at an altitude of 28.5 km (higher than the SR-71, whilst mind you the atmosphere of droo isnt as high as the earths). Additionally, this plane here is able to maintain a mach number of like 0.94 at sea level. This is NO cheats. Additionally, it can pull upwards of 119G's without the wings snapping, like come on, this isnt even possible. With optimisation from vizzy, i can get a propeller craft to circumnavigate droo MULTIPLE times, whilst jets can barely do it twice. Now mind you, i couldnt be bothered to do this, i have another aircraft that i made that can do it around 3.6 times (with maths). I wouldn't care that much, but Kw and Horsepower are directly related, 19Kw = 25 horsepower. 25 horsepower isnt enough to get this brick to FLY let alone maintain this altitude, and i am using, ZERO cheats of any kind. This is mathematically disobeying the conservation of energy. i think that the strength of wings and the efficiency of most propellers (ESPECIALLY the drone one it is the MOST overpowered of the bunch)
But feel free to ask questions, as i cant really do much in this bug report, but i will show you how i got the proppellers to be so efficient without tinker panel, but later
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779 Welliedowner
@Pedro The Dash-8 has 5071 horsepower, even more on other models. Thats alot of power. thats 3.7 Mw. Not Kw. All im saying is that, jet engines are just useless, when propellers are cheaper, get more range, and are just better for anything subsonic.
779 Welliedowner
@Pedro I had a flying lesson i dont remember the model of the plane, but i know this. the plane i was in weight 350kg (without you sitting in it) had a top speed of 140 knots (72 m/s) And its boxer-4 engine produced 100 horsies, which is around 74 Kw. I posted a plane called the LRPD-100 B (try it if u like) and each motor uses 33KW at cruising altitude, a total of 66KW power usage. that LESS than a light aircraft weighing 500Kilos with two people in it. (Yes i could taxi the plane with my arm) the LRPD weighs 15 point somin tons i dont remember. Alot more. Its insane. Also the power generators in the game outputting a measily amount of power generation, like a few hundred wats, a power output that i can match on the ergo machine.
Remember that KW is a function of Torque and RPM if you have more RPM at the same torque, it should use more power.
Thats all at the moment. The car wheels are a bit too powerful for their power usage too. I get batteries suck, and you tried to make them denser, but maybe like a motor that runs on fuel instead of electricity would be a cool addition to the game :).
Dont get me wrong, this game is great, i like exploiting things and using maths to break the laws of physics somehow.
Cheers m8 tho.
my bad the dash-8 has TWO 5071 horsepower engines. Jesus, thats more than i thought, weighs 30 tons. My LRPD uses a measily 300-400 horsepower full throttle sealevel, and its thrust to weight ratio is closer to 0.8-1, not sure exactly tho. Its, pretty far off ngl