Since the game's departure from early access, I've seen several people confused on how to see vital orbit information in their map view, such as Apoapsis and Periapsis. This mainly comes from the fact that, by default, the Map UI Verbosity setting in the map info panel is set to Medium. This seems to be so that mobile players don't always have a ton of stuff on their screen, but PC players have more than enough screen real estate to accommodate the extra info, so I think this setting should default to High on there.

Suggestion Done Fixed in 1.0.909.1

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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    and also, could we please get the ui verbosity menu to save?
    i'm getting pretty tired of constantly setting it to the highest level over and over again, especially since i like to have the apoapsis and periapsis markers visible at all times, rather than just when i'm moving my orbit, for example

    2.1 years ago


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